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Work Allocation Process - Essay Example

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The essay "Work Allocation Process" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the process of work allocation. Different points have to be kept in mind before allotting a specific task to a group or individual. Managers need to choose the appropriate person to do a particular job…
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Work Allocation Process
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Things to consider when allocation work and drawing up plans Allocation of work is not a simple process .Different points have to be kept in mind before allotting a specific task to a group or individual. Managers need to choose the appropriate person to do a particular job. In order to do this, the nature of the job has to be analyzed very well. Only by knowing the job can help the leader in selecting the right candidate. The skills and competency needed to complete the work within the given time frame should be given due attention. According to the nature and importance of the job the worker has to be selected. For e.g. .higher level of employees involve more in mental calculation while physical jobs are take up by lower level workers. The objective of the work is a key element and should be given utmost importance. It is the most important planning aid which assists an organization in achieving success. An objective has more importance than a goal and a manager should be keen on this aspect. Competence is the ability or skill of an individual in performing a special task. An employee can be regarded competent if he has great level of intelligence, thinking ability, technical knowledge and qualification. He should display his ability in practical field or in his work environment. Operational need is also an important aspect to be considered before a certain job or work plan is drawn into action. This concentrate on different activities to be carried out to make the plan successful. The resources needed to fulfill a particular work are materialized and plans are made to put them in practice. Efficiency of the worker and the plan has a great role to play. The machines and equipments involved in the work should be of high quality so that minimal energy is consumed with high out put. Workers have to be efficient in their field of activity. A good organization of the activities will ensure more efficiency in the working plans. The plans should be studied intensively and negative and positive activities have to thoroughly check before implication. Time has to be utilized well and there should be good quality of communication between all people involved in the work plan. Cost factor is a major element to be given utmost importance. The plan should be economical and should not impose great financial burden on the firm. A proper estimation has to conduct in order to find the costs involved and their respective outcome. Cost refers to the value of the resource spend on particular activities involved in the business. Cost involved in the process of work should be studied with the aid of professionals and estimation should be created. “Cost-effectiveness values are a useful tool for comparing the relative merits of regulatory options proposed at the same time, for the same group of dischargers in a specific industry”(Wheeler). Consultation is to be done before initiating any plan or work. The appropriate professionals have to approach to take valuable advice and suggestions. It gives ideas and information on creating a very creative plan and also helps in eliminating discrepancies. All companies consult good professionals pertaining to the activity of business in order to improve the quality of plan. Section 2. Key Result Areas or KRA is very crucial in organization as it allows looking at the output or outcomes of the department’s .It can be referred as an element which focus on the main responsibilities of the individual .It allows in jotting down the main responsibilities of different departments and helps to intensify their activities .KRA helps in conveying to the workers their goals and objectives. It is mainly focusing on the primary roles of the department and its employees. This means a certain job role is assigned to a particular worker and his responsibility to perform it with utmost skill and perfection is monitored. Key Performance Indicators are also some what similar to KRA. It is used by organizations and companies to evaluate their success and help to plan a better future. Business operations are closely monitored and steps are taken to modify them to ensure quality. It is a long term element of business and act as business intelligence system. Advanced technology provides assistance for organization in evaluating their operations and finding solutions to their problems. Financial success of a company is greatly depended on the key Performance Indicator. A company for their growth should study about their customer behavior and the products and services offered to them. KPI helps in decision making and improving the quality of productivity of the department. These measures are applied to all departments like human resource, safety and health department, Finance etc. A quality performance management system teamed up with enthusiasm can develop the talent and qualities of every employee. This ensures that workers provide quality service to the organization which in turn will increase the profit. Data has to be collected and scrutinized and also performance standards have to be set. Over view of the organizational performance is a must to set standards to achieve the prescribed goal. The ethics or code of conduct is the back bone of an organization or firm. Personality and behavior of an individual has to be of superior value. Punctuality, hard work honesty is all qualities which make a person successful in any field of activity. Employees should also be educated with related to ethics and morals of a person so as to improve their personal value. The work of employees should be monitored regularly in order to maintain the consistency of working standards. Monitoring is important in order to increase productivity and avoid wastage of time and resources. All the actives done by the employees by computer have to be recorded so that no one is misusing the time and resources. Along with this evaluation of the work performed by the employees are also essential .This allows to improve the quality of work done and also to achieve goals smoothly and efficiently. Workers always expect a feed back from the managers if they have contributed a considerable amount of hardwork.So a positive feed back is very crucial from the part of the senior managers. If the employees are acting below standards they have to be motivated and training should be given to optimize the results. When the feedbacks are given workers can improve the standard of their work which will help in achieving the goal effectively. Poor performance can always hinder the working flow of a company or organization. There should be a good system established to avoid poor quality working among the employees. The consequence of inferior performance is reflected on the whole company and a very reliable system has to be practiced to avoid such a situation. The management has to identify whether a problem exist and solution has to be sorted out to balance the situation. Information has to be collected and outcomes of past action have to be evaluated and compared with the real goal or objective. The outcomes suggested for future has to be realistic and practicable. In the same way the termination policy and laws followed by the organization has to be well studied by the employees. Every company has distinctive policies and regulation to be abided by and the employees being the pillar of organization has to understand and follow them. On the day of joining the firm the workers are given the copy of policies to study and understand. Termination policy describes the events on which the company takes action on employees and terminates them. This helps them to know what the company expects from their respective employees and regulation they have implied on certain activities. Legislation of a company explains the nature of the establishment and other legal implication of the firm. It describes the company acts provisions and information about the board of directors and share holders. The memorandum and articles of the company also has to be scrutinized well by the the employees in order to avoid misunderstanding. Work Cited Wheeler, William. "Cost Effective Analysis". U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. June.10.2010 . Read More
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