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Heating and cooling service technicians face a difficult task installing a machine in a major city such as Phoenix because of poor air quality due to humidity. This seems to be a huge problem for the citizens residing in these metropolitan areas, who complain of having symptoms caused by bacteria.
What Causes Indoor Air Problems? Without a doubt, indoor air problems are sources of inadequate ventilation, pollutants, amount ventilation. Inadequate ventilation is a detriment to air since it increases air pollution by not diluting emissions from indoor sources. Poor air ventilation accounts for 50% percent of air pollution problems. In addition, the cause of indoor air pollution can be displayed by incineration of certain materials such as oil, gas, kerosene, and tobacco products. In this case, the age of the particular substance is a critical factor that determines how dangerous the emissions are. The third source for indoor air problems is Amount ventilation. Amount ventilation is harmful because they serve as a barrier against outdoor air. High levels of pollutants present in outdoor air entering indoors can be a huge health risk for the residents. All of these factors accumulate to cause an indoor air problem, which continues to pose a threat or the environment.
Ask any service technician about identifying a problem, and troubleshooting will be the answer. Troubleshooting is essential because it is a standardized set of steps to identify the problem. The three phases of basic troubleshooting consist of checking the thermostat settings, inspecting the circuit breaker box, the natural gas line, and finally examining airflow ().
Since ventilation remains the top corn for homeowners, it is vital to understand the main causes that negatively affect ventilation systems. These problems consist of systems design, the proportion of outdoor air, periods of operation, maintenance, and air cleaners. Systems design is essential because it maintains air cleanliness and distribution. Similarly, the proportion of outdoor air must not contain any harmful toxins present in outdoor air. Hence, a good ventilation system should dilute and eliminate these contaminants. Moreover, a good HVAC ventilation system should be functioning fully during and before occupancy in a building. Furthermore, HVAC systems should be well-maintained to enhance air quality. Lastly, air cleaners should be utilized with these systems to facilitate the process of removing toxins.
Dirt, debris, and microbiological growths continue to pose a serious threat to all individuals. Hence, to reduce the growth of these harmful elements, certain steps must be taken. These steps consist of utilizing, well-maintained filter systems, using filters rated at MERV 6 or greater, regular HVAC maintenance, providing good housekeeping in the occupied space, locating air intakes in non-contaminated locations, and keeping all HVAC system components clean.
Undoubtedly, OSHA has been trying to develop IAQ regulations for workplaces for several years. These seven major provisions consist of banning smoking in the workplace, developing IAQ compliance plans to protect workers from harmful pollutants, conducting regular inspections and air testing, documenting written records, controlling specific contaminants, and finally executing employee training programs. These guidelines should be passed to create a harmonic workplace for all individuals.
To maintain stable working conditions for people, measurements of carbon dioxide must be taken. To dioxide levels, four simple measurements can be taken which consist of using portable infrared spectrometers, checking the pH of a particular environment, conducting a chemical reaction, and finally using detector tubes. All of these are vital tools that can be utilized to measure carbon dioxide levels.
Relative humidity should be maintained between 20 and 50 percent is not present in ASHRAE 62-1999 on Ventilation for Acceptable Air Quality guidelines. As for “65% percent or less”.
Air mixing is another element that is considered critical for a good, healthy environment. Three ways to achieve good air mixing consist of utilizing diffusers to create high air stream air stream addition, air handling units are also used to steady room conditions. Finally, displacement ventilation is also utilized so it can provide air into an occupied zone. The common cause of poor mixing is dust and other harmful microbial agents that come in contact with fresh air resulting in contamination.
Throughout this paper, several aspects of heating and cooling were discussed. In essence, these concepts are important because they affect the environment that we live in. All individuals must strive to meet the standard guidelines established by the OSHA to a healthy suitable environment. Undoubtedly, heating and cooling services will continue to grow in high demand as commerce expands into new frontiers.
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