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How to do a job interview for a company like Morrisons. The hiring and keeping of valuable employees starts with the job interview, and therefore, it is very important that it is done right. If the interviewer asks the right questions, it is more likely that the right interviewee will be chosen for the job (Allbusiness. Com). To be successful in hiring the right person the interviewer needs to prepare before the interview and read the interviewee’s application form and C.V. They also need a job description to hand and an understanding of the skill set required for the job and a list of open-ended questions to help keep the interview in their control.
These open-ended questions will develop the interviewer’s understanding of the interviewee’s strengths and weaknesses pertaining to the duties and responsibilities that the job requires. These questions also give insight in the interviewee’s work experience, elicit opinions from them and give some indication of their suitability for the job (Department of Civil Service, 2008). The structure of the interview can follow a six-point format. Firstly, introduce yourself and greet the interviewee with a smile.
Secondly, go through their application form and C.V. with them and ask them to provide more details on his/her previous job responsibilities, duties and projects they may have completed. Their responses will imply what they find interesting or challenging, how suitable they are for the job and how good their communication skills are. Thirdly, give the interviewee the job description verbally and summarize the main duties and responsibilities. Fourthly, to gain as much information that is feasible as to the interviewee’s suitability for the job, encourage expansive responses with open-ended questions, such as those suggested below.
Fifthly, ask the interviewee if they have any questions regarding the job or the company, and that either the interviewer or the Personnel Office will be there to answer any questions that may come to mind after the interview has ended. Lastly, end the interview by stating what will happen next in the hiring process, and thank them for their time (Department of Civil Service, 2008).Interview Questions1. How do you think your education and past work experience makes you the best person for this job?2. Tell me two things you feel you have learnt from your old job?
In addition, two things you would change about the job, for the better?3. What would you have liked to accomplish in your last job that you were not able to? Why were you not able?4. What were the hardest aspects of your last job?5. Tell me what lead you to apply for this job?6. What is it about this field of work that attracts you to it?7. If you were given this position, what aspects of the job will be the hardest? What will aspects will be the most enjoyable?8. What will be your greatest contribution to this position? 9. How will you make this contribution?10. What do you think you will benefit from this job?
QuestionnaireWork experience: 1. Why did you leave you previous job?2. What do you think is the best skill you have learnt from your previous job?3. How would you deal with an irate customer?4. Have you had experience of this situation? If yes, how did you deal with the situation?5. Why do you want to work for Morrisons?6. What qualities can you bring to the company?7. What were your duties and responsibilities in your last job?8. Which of the achievements in your last job made you the proudest?
Relevance of education: 1. What is your highest level of education?2. What schools have you attended?3. Do you have any professional or vocation qualifications?Outside interests: 1. What are your interests or hobbies?2. Have you ever done any volunteer work?3. Do you belong to any organizations or associations?4. What personal achievements make you the proudest?Personal: 1. What do you think your personal strengths are?2. Do you prefer to work independently or a part of a team?3. What do you think the advantages of working in a team are?4. What one thing would you improve about yourself?5. Do you have any relatives that work for the firm? (2008). How to Conduct an Effective Employee Interview. [Online]. Available at: [Assessed 23 November 2008].Department of Civil Service. (2008). How to Conduct a Job Interview. [Online]. New State Department of Civil Service. Available at: [Assessed 23 November 2008].
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