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Nathaniel Hawthorne - Essay Example

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The first being, all of Hawthorne’s writings had a moral to them, if not an outright Christian message. Secondly, Nathanial Hawthorne believed that God existed and an afterlife existed for humans…
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Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Hawthorne was a profoundly Christian Nathanial Hawthorne was a profoundly Christian for several reasons. The first being, all of Hawthorne’s writings had a moral to them, if not an outright Christian message. Secondly, Nathanial Hawthorne believed that God existed and an afterlife existed for humans. Finally, Nathanial Hawthorne’s children prove that their father taught them something about God. Hawthorne, one of America’s greatest writers, was a Christian. This paper will prove all of the above statements.

Nathanial Hawthorne wrote stories about Puritan morals. In The Scarlet Letter shows that sin will be punished. If a sinner is not punished by society, then a guilty conscience will punish them. The moral lesson in all of Hawthorne’s stories come from his Puritan background (James and McCall 46). Puritans believe in hell fire, sinners, and an all mighty God. All of Hawthorne’s stories have this type of Puritan moral lesson. Nathanial Hawthorne believed in God. He also believed that humans faced an afterlife.

Hawthorne once stated “Our Creator would never have made such lovely days, and given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be immortal” (Eldredge 12). This statement shows Hawthorne believed in a Creator. It also shows that humans would be immortal in an afterlife. It is obvious that Nathanial Hawthorne was a profound Christian. Nathanial Hawthorne’s children believed in God. His youngest daughter even became a nun (Wineapple 4). At forty-four, Rose Hawthorne became “a self-ordained Sister of Mercy” (Wineapple 4).

Although Julian Hawthorne was troubled, even misusing the Hawthorne name, Hawthorne thought he should join the ministry (Wineapple 6). Hawthorne was raised as a Protestant, which is reflected in his stories. As a child he would ask his parents theological questions (Wineapple 24). It was only natural to teach his children Christianity. It allowed his children to at least have an opportunity to embrace religion. The evidence has shown that Nathanial Hawthorne was a Christian writer. All of his writings had a moral or Puritan overtone to them.

Nathanial Hawthorne’s children, especially Rose, showed that their father’s Christian teachings had an affect on them through their actions. Hawthorne believed in God and an afterlife. All of this proves that Nathanial Hawthorne was a Christian writer. He might not have been a perfect example of a Christian writer, but it must be kept in mind he was only human. Works CitedEldredge, John. The Journey of Desire: Searching for the Life We Only Dreamed of. New York: Thomas Nelson, 2000.

James, Henry and Dan McCall. Hawthorne. New York: Cornell University Press, 1998.Wineapple, Brenda. Hawthorne: A Life. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2004..

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