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History According to Neo-Conservative Historians - Essay Example

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Leo Strauss is the father of Neo-Conservative ideology and chief among his many stygian theories, was the idea that only through constant and everlasting struggle and conflict can common people be controlled. As a Jew who lived through Hitlers time, Strauss philosophy was…
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Strauss believed liberal government policies were providing the masses with rights, power, and leisure that their simple minds neither deserved, nor were capable of responsibly wielding. Invariably, according to Strauss and Neo-Cons, the devolved masses give rise to Hitler-like evil. Strauss firmly and fully believed that the inherent weakness and ignorance of the masses, social-liberal policies, and the "excess" freedom of leisure coupled with the right to choose their own leaders provided the ingredients for humanitys demise.

For Strauss, these devolved masses required strong authoritarian leadership comprised of those intellectually and socially superior (Ray, 1993). In nearly every aspect of todays American political life and foreign policy we see Strauss theory of constant struggle and conflict being employed and carried out. The media has often decried the obvious combative, angry, and mean-spirited nature of Americas contemporary political discourse. FOX News, which is the propaganda and disinformation outlet for the Neo-Conservative movement, has, by design, ensured Strauss theory of conflict plays out in the American political life.

It certainly isnt by accident that prominent Neo-Conservatives like Bill Kristol are often featured on FOXs programs (Ray, 1993). Furthermore, the only purpose for the network to employ the bellicose and outrageous OReilly, and venomous and angry Sean Hannity is to divide American against American and instill a degree of political nastiness never before witnessed. A quick trip around the AM Radio dial will make apparent an entire legion of Republican and Neo-Conservative propagandists doing their part to foment all-out political warfare in the United States.

Finally, few propagandists are loved and cherished more deeply by the Neo-Cons than the hate-spewing and liberal demonizing Ann Coulter (Halper & Clarke, 2005). The

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