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Health Care Services in Oman - Research Proposal Example

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Efficiency and effectiveness of health care services in any nation is the vital component that ensures the health of its citizens. Oman is the country in the middle east that have given serious attention to its health support systems from early 1970s. From the state of just 2 hospitals and 13 physicians across the whole nation in the year 1970 it has now reached a state of one of the most efficient in the health care delivery and financial management as per the report released by World Health Organization (Middle East Health, 2005)…
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Health Care Services in Oman
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The specific case of Oman gives a very attractive picture on the government support for the public health care delivery systems. The government support exists for 95 percent of all hospitals functioning in Oman. This would cover the human resource support extended for employing doctors, nurses and other paramedical staff in the hospitals. In addition to the political will and the financial support ensured to carry out the set objectives the active involvement of the community another important factor that have helped Oman to attain new heights in the health care services.

The survey reports available have showed a public satisfaction level of 70 percent in the delivery of health services thus showing high level of acceptance in the programmes. The broad aim of the research is to investigate the role played by the community groups to percolate the health care support and delivery to the remote locations and also to the underprivileged in the society. The community based interventions in the health care sector in Oman is said to have contributed in the success achieved in the recent years.

An in-depth analysis of the prevailing issues on various practices and policies that are followed in the hospitals in Oman has been reported ( Al Balushi and West, n.d.). The researchers emphasis various innovative strategies that need to be evolved in order to make the health care services more effective and efficient. Khandekar et al (2010) reports public health evaluation exercise undertaken to assess the vision impairment in the children below five years. Authors highlights the categorization defects identified in children, which would help them to frame, better intervention steps among this age group.

The need for the continuous medical education to enhance the public outreach of the medical profession is also investigated (Anwar and Batty, 2007). The process of continuous medical education is found as the one of the vital requirement for ensuring the better health care support in Oman. Most of the studies reported have tried to give the outcome of the various health related initiatives in the Oman. All the studies reported have unanimously agreed on the improvement of health care services through community level institutions.

But information on the key factors that make these institutions function is not yet reported in detail. Thus the proposed research would address this lacuna and give inputs for better delivery of services through this organizations.Methodology The two important philosophies being considered for this

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