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Quantitative Communication Research Variable - Essay Example

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Transformed to "experience in a particular business field" is an independent variable in the following hypothesis: "Speakers, who have ten or more years of experience in a particular business field, integrate parts of their previously conducted business-related speeches into the new texts more often than speakers who have less than ten years of experience in given field."
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Quantitative Communication Research Variable
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Quantitative Communication Research Variable I have chosen four different variables - Experience doing something, Logical appeals, Grade point average, and Interaction.1. "Experience doing something"Transformed to "experience in a particular business field" is an independent variable in the following hypothesis: "Speakers, who have ten or more years of experience in a particular business field, integrate parts of their previously conducted business-related speeches into the new texts more often than speakers who have less than ten years of experience in given field.

"In the form of "experience delivering public speeches" it is a dependent variable in the statement: "Students, who took creative writing and rhetoric courses at the university, feel that, after graduation, they have much more experience delivering public speeches than those students who did not attend these courses."After alteration to "experience working as an engineer" it acts as contingent condition in the hypothesis: "If a majority of people in the audience has experience working as an engineer, a speaker presenting a technology-related topic gets less open-ended questions than a speaker who is delivering a presentation on a topic which is not technological in nature."2. "Logical appeals"Independent variable in the following statement: "If a speaker extensively utilizes logical appeals, a person from the audience, when asked to do so, will be more likely to depict the content of the speech in the form of a diagram than if logical appeals were not used.

"Dependent variable: "Both students and professors, whose personality type according to the Myer-Briggs test classification is characterized by T (thinking) and J (judging), are more likely to use logical appeals when persuading someone than students and professors who have other personality types."Contingent condition: "If logical appeals are used in the message, more unfavorable change announced to the student body at least two weeks in advance will be perceived better than a less significant change students were not informed about in advance."3. "Grade point average"Independent variable: "Students, who have high grade point average in the undergraduate school, perform worse in the graduate-level courses than their peer students who have lower grade point average results in the undergraduate studies but decide to enter graduate school.

"Dependent variable: "Higher GMAT score determines higher grade point average during the first year of studies in the business school."Contingent condition: "Students who live on campus spend more time exercising than those who live off-campus, if both groups have higher-than-average grade point average."4. "Interaction"Independent variable: "Advertising messages characterized by high level of interactivity are more appealing and influential than advertising that simply informs the customer."Dependent variable: "Presentations of speakers, who use handouts, technical devices and address the audience with questions at least every 20 minutes, are rated as "rather interactive" or "very interactive" more often than presentations of speakers who do not use these means.

"Contingent condition: "Being highly interactive, a web page of a high-tech company specializing in consumer electronics is perceived as entertaining if it is easily navigated more often than if its structure and navigation are ambiguous."

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