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PH Indicators - Lab Report Example

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Ans: Enzymes are biocatalysts which carry out biochemical reactions at rigid conditions of temperature and pH. Enzymes are used in multiple areas in Pharmaceutical, biotech and food industries where it is critical to maintain the pH of the process for optimal functioning of the enzymes…
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PH Indicators
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Maintaining the pH is critical in any industrial processes employing enzymes. A few examples would be papain from the leaves and unripe fruit of the pawpaw (Carica papaya) has been used to tenderise meats. Amylase is used in starch hydrolysis. Now gluco-amylase functions at pH 4.5 whereas fungal amylase at pH 5.5. Lactose hydrolysis is carried out by lactase for Aspergillus niger and A.oryzae at pH optima (pH 4.5-6.0 and 3.0-4.0, respectively) . 6.698970004Useful range for the indicator: 8.69- 10.

69Indicator: Alizarin YellowTest TubeColor After Adding the Indicator[OH-]pOHpH1red0.0512.698972orange0.00511.698973yellow0.000510.698974yellow0.000059.6989700045yellow0.0000058.6989700046yellow0.00000057.6989700047yellow0.000000056.698970004Useful range for the indicator: 10.69-12.69Indicator: Red Cabbage extractTest TubeColor After Adding the Indicator[OH-]pOHpH1green-blue0.0512.698972aqua blue0.00511.698973aqua blue0.000510.698974sky blue0.000059.6989700045Dark blue0.0000058.6989700046Violet0.00000057.6989700047Pink0.000000056.698970004Useful range for the indicator: 6.69-8.89Which indicator is the best to use for observing pH changes:near pH = 7 : Bromothymol Blue, Red Cabbage Extract near pH = 8 : Red Cabbage Extract near pH = 10 : Phenolphthalein near pH = 12 : Alizarin Yellow1.

Locate an industry, occupation, industrial process, etc., where pH is critical to success.Ans: Enzymes are biocatalysts which carry out biochemical reactions at rigid conditions of temperature and pH. Enzymes are used in multiple areas in Pharmaceutical, biotech and food industries where it is critical to maintain the pH of the process for optimal functioning of the enzymes. Maintaining the pH is critical in any industrial processes employing enzymes. A few examples would be papain from the leaves and unripe fruit of the pawpaw (Carica papaya) has been used to tenderise meats.

Amylase is used in starch hydrolysis. Now gluco-amylase functions at pH 4.5 whereas fungal amylase at pH 5.5. Lactose hydrolysis is carried out by lactase for Aspergillus niger and A.oryzae at pH optima (pH 4.5-6.0 and 3.0-4.0, respectively)2. Is

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PH Indicators Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words.
“PH Indicators Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words”, n.d.
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