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Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide - Essay Example

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"Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide" is a perfect example of a paper on medical ethics. The medical field sometimes encounters various circumstances challenging its core values and professionalism. There has been rampant debate on whether physicians should participate in willful suicides. The debate attracts informed and logical support for and against physician-assisted suicide…
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Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide
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"Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide" is a perfect example of a paper on medical ethics. The medical field sometimes encounters various circumstances challenging its core values and professionalism. There has been rampant debate on whether physicians should participate in willful suicides. The debate attracts informed and logical support for and against physician-assisted suicide. This is a persuasive essay on pro-physician Assisted Suicide.

Physician-assisted suicide integrates compassionate care and respect for the patient's autonomy. This enables the patients to die in dignity rather than have the illness reduce them to a shell of suffering. Additionally, physician-assisted suicide can reduce the probable health care costs, lower insurance premiums on incurable patients, and subsequently free nurses and doctors to attend to savable patients. Moreover, religiously, the prevention of suicide is a violation of religious freedom. Indeed, physician-assisted suicide reduces and saves the pain and anguish of the patient and that of the patient's family and friends. Actually, under law, the European Declaration of Human Rights accords all Americans with a guaranteed right to no coercion to suffering. As such, physicians should not deny any American this right and should therefore assist the patients in willful suicides.

 It is equally a crime to make someone live longer against their wish. On the other hand, in absence of physicians’ assistance in committing suicide, people may adopt horrific, messy, and traumatizing ways in committing suicide. Most significantly is the fact that physician-assisted suicide allows the doctors to retrieve vital human organs that are fundamental in saving other patients' lives. Above all, the right to die should be a fundamental freedom of each person and physicians should not deny it but support it by offering assistance in willful suicides (Procon. Org, 2010).

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(Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide Medical Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words, n.d.)
Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide Medical Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words.
(Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide Medical Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words)
Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide Medical Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Pro Physician-Assisted Suicide Medical Ethics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”.
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