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Healthcare Quality Improvement Committee Participation - Essay Example

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"Healthcare Quality Improvement Committee Participation" is a great example of a paper on the health system. The healthcare quality Improvement committee was one of the notable scholarly activities that I attended. The event took place in 2018 and was primarily characterized by a group of 200 participants coming together to discuss various strategies for improving the quality of healthcare provision in the phoenix region…
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Healthcare Quality Improvement Committee Participation


The healthcare quality Improvement committee was one of the notable scholarly activities that I attended. The event took place in 2018 and was primarily characterized by a group of 200 participants coming together to discuss various strategies for improving the quality of healthcare provision in the phoenix region. During the last five years, the area had witnessed a gradual decrease in health care delivery quality, which had raised public concerns. Cases of long waiting times in hospitals, nursing shortages, and poor patient care were significantly increasing in the area, prompting a committee to discuss possible causes of the problem, its effects, and possible solutions that could be used in addressing it. The event lasted for two days and brought together interprofessional in the area. Thus, different participants in nursing, critical and acute care, physicians, and doctors, among stakeholders, took part in the event. As a nurse, I had been selected to represent the interest of the nurses in various hospitals in the region. Each group provided views and suggestions on how what could have contributed to the issue, possible solutions on how to respond to various challenges, as well as future strategies that should be embraced to ensure that similar cases were not reported in the future. The public was also invited to provide their views on the issue. The activity was very important, especially given the wide knowledge that I gained in responding to emerging health care challenges both in the private and public health care sector.


The primary role of the scholarly activity was to address the issue of poor health care quality in the area. The challenge had resulted in multiple healthcare challenges for hospitals and other health care service providers in the area. For the last five years, most parts of Phoenix have had multiple nursing shortages, and high hospital costs, which negatively affected health care service delivery in the region. Most residents in the area had complained of spending long times in hospitals before getting served, poor response from medical teams in times of emergencies, and poor inpatient and outpatient services. The problem had caused devastating effects in the area as areas were said to be recording high fatality rates among the inpatients as well as an increase of diseases that would have been prevented through simple nurse interventions such as diabetes. Thus, the issue was a problem, both for the patients as well as the care providers in the region. Participating in such a scholarly activity can be very elemental for nurses based on the various issues that were addressed from the event. For example, a nurse can learn how to improve patient care. The event provided various programs that were aimed at educating nurses on various strategies that can be employed in improving nursing practice. Nurses can learn how to respond to infections. Further, nurses can learn how to improve efficiency in their areas of specialization. Nurses can also learn how to incorporate the cultural needs of their clients to ensure that patient-centered care is achieved. Moreover, nurses can learn how to incorporate technology use in nursing practice, as well as electronic ways of recording and storing patient data. There were different presentations and programs which addressed multiple ways of improving nursing practices in the area.


The committee identified a list of practices that can be employed to improve the quality of care services in the area. The primary strategy on providing a solution to the problem was to focus more on patient care. All health care providers who included hospitals and other medical settings were to focus more on practices that would promote high standards of patient care. According to the committee, practices such as identification of exact patient needs, patient-centered care, and immediate attendance to patients were key to the strategy (Maddocks, 2017). Another key strategy that would prompt an increase in the health care quality in the area was the emphasis on professional collaborations among different health care providers in hospitals. Thus, health care organizations were to identify strategies on how to improve collaboration among different care professionals in the workplace. Health care organizations were also to collaborate among themselves to ensure that possible cases of care provider shortages were minimized.


The scholarly activity was very elemental in addressing the issue of poor quality care service provision in the area. The event aimed at meeting three specific objectives. The primary goal was to identify the causes of poor health care provision in the area. The second objective was to identify possible solutions that could be adopted in addressing the problem. The third and final objective of the committee was to identify future strategies that can be put in place to prevent the occurrence of similar cases. Each of the three objectives was compressively met as the three areas of concern were well-addressed. The knowledge gained from scholarly activity has proved to be elemental in facilitating my growth as a nurse. Through the event, I have gained adequate knowledge on how to respond to emerging and changing patient needs, applying nursing practices that will help improve patient outcomes, and adopting the use of technology in addressing patient care needs. The knowledge will be elemental for my career development and growth as a nurse. Moreover, through the application of the various strategies that were discussed in the study, I believe I will be able to engage in activities and practices which will improve my collaborations with other care providers in my area of work such as physicians and doctors (Fatima et al., 2018).

Program Competencies Addressed

The scholarly activity addressed various program competencies that aimed at improving care quality in the country. Such competencies included a good understanding of organizational performances. Through this program, services provided by various organizations were expected to meet specific standards set by ISP. Another primary program competency requirement that needed to be addressed in an organization was the professional judgment in addressing the patients' needs. According to Brooks et al. (2017), professional judgment determines professional responses that care providers offer to their patients. Through the program, health care providers were taken through various lessons that would improve their professional judgments in disease diagnosis and treatments among different patients in various health care settings within an organization.

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(Healthcare Quality Improvement Committee Participation Health System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words)
Healthcare Quality Improvement Committee Participation Health System Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words.
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