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Impact of Socil Media on Consumer Decision - Research Paper Example

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The paper “Imрасt of Sосiаl Media on Соnsumеr Dесisiоn” is a convincing variant of the research paper on media. Social media has become a significant communication platform which people use not only to connect with friends but also with organization around the globe. Social media has allowed people to share information, issues, reviews, experiences, and warnings…
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The paper “Imрасt of Sосiаl Media on Соnsumеr Dесisiоn” is a convincing variant of the research paper on media. Social media has become a significant communication platform which people use not only to connect with friends but also with organization around the globe. Social media has allowed people to share information, issues, reviews, experiences, and warnings that might be interesting to a connection of friends. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Myspace are some of the most popular platforms that have attracted most people who in turn share their experience, stories, and lifestyle and influence others. Eventually, information on social media sites becomes a forceful tool that may immediately or later influence decision making for consumers. Quite a number of studies have shown that people use the information on social media to plan or as a guideline for future trips and purchases. In addition, marketers have taken advantage of social media for advertising.

The marketing strategies taken can promote them to gain more customers. One feature of social media is its efficiency in applying and reaching customers. There are quite a number of benefits and convenience organizations can achieve when using social media platforms. Generally, people tend to highly believe in the services and products recommended by their friends. When people post information, it can lead their connected friends to share or use it to make decisions. Through the selected research reports, this literature review looks at the influence of social media on customers’ decision making. From the findings, most of the decisions made by consumers on social media platforms result from reference groups and recommendations by friends.

Problem Statement
Currently, social media has become part of personal life. The growth in the number of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, Renren (China) Badoo, and others confirms the central role played by social media in the world, businesses, institutions, groups, and individual users. Over 1 billion people are estimated to interact with social media.

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Impact of Socil Media on Consumer Decision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words.
(Impact of Socil Media on Consumer Decision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 Words)
Impact of Socil Media on Consumer Decision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 Words.
“Impact of Socil Media on Consumer Decision Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 Words”.
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