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Analysis of Marketing Mix Elements in Starbucks Example - Case Study Example

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The paper “Analysis of Marketing Mix Elements in Starbucks Example" is a worthy example of a case study on marketing. Organizations rely on various marketing strategies to tailor their offers to suit the targeted consumer. There are a few key elements in this offer which make up the company’s marketing mix…
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References: Armstrong, G. & Kotler, P. (2009) Marketing: An Introduction. 9th ed. New York: Prentice Hall ____________________. (2000) Marketing: An Introduction. 5th ed. Singapore: Person Education Inc. Knox, S. (2004) Positioning and Branding Your Organisation. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 13, 2, 105-115. Thompson, A. & Gamble, J., (2000) Starbucks Case Study in Thomson & Strickland. Strategic Management, Concepts and Cases 11th Ed. Irwin-McGraw Hill. [online] Available at Belch, G. E. & Belch, M. A. (2004) Advertising & Promotion: An Integrated Marketing communication perspective. Illinois: Irwin. Starbucks Fact Sheet (2011) [online] Available at Shultz, H., 2011. “Looking Forward to Starbucks Next Chapter” Post by Starbucks Chairman, president and chief executive officer. [online] Available at Lucas. L. &  Farrell, G., 2011. Protests Brew Over Starbucks Logo Revamp. Financial Published: January 6. [online] Available at “Ethical Sourcing” (2011) Starbucks Website. [online] Available at Schultz, D. E. & Barnes, B. E. (2001) Strategic Brand Communication Campaigns, 5th ed, Illinois: NTC Business Books, Stern, L., Adel, I., Ansary, E. & Coughlin, A. (1996) Marketing Channels, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall. Read More
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Starbucks - Each Element of Marketing Mix Has Its Importance and Must Case Study.
“Starbucks - Each Element of Marketing Mix Has Its Importance and Must Case Study”.
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