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Promotional and Creative Strategy of Moveo Company - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Promotional and Creative Strategy of Moveo Company" focuses on the strategies to ensure that the people are able to see the MOVEO scooter and ensure that there is as much coverage as possible to ensure that there is more rapport of the product. …
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Promotional and Creative Strategy of Moveo Company
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MCS Feras Nadeif Table of Contents References List 11 Appendix 14 Introduction The world is on a development highway where there are new advancements that are constantly discharged by the day, and there is nobody who might want to be abandoned. The amount of vehicles on the streets is always expanding as the general population gains more cash, and the vehicle costs drop by the day. The worth of things nonetheless is on an upward pattern, particularly after the past monetary emergency that hit the United States and influenced the whole world. Vehicles and houses are getting more costly. Be that as it may, this has not ceased some individuals from purchasing autos. This has resulted to there being more traffic jams in the cities. It is for this that people are looking for alternate travelling means so as to ensure that they arrive at their destinations faster (Avery, 2010). These methods include reducing the number of time that they use their cars and opt for public transport, and this includes the use of scooters and motor bicycles that are not as prone to traffic. It is for this reason that MOVEO has come up with its own solution to this problem; the creation of a foldable electric scooter. The company has designed a scooter that should help and solve this problem for most people that live near or within the city (Petron, 2008). A marketing solution needs to be created so as to make the most out of the vehicle. The framework that is to be used is to ensure that there is better use and endurance that specificity in the marketing of the product. It is to ensure that there is measurability and achievability in the product marketing structure. The Marketing Communication Planning framework shall be used for this purpose. The process entails studying of the market, coming up with objectives, strategies, tactics and evaluation of the market so as to get the best of the product while still making profits for the company. 2. BUSINESS CONTEXT The Marketplace The market is one that is constantly growing with more companies venturing into the foldable and green mode of transportation (Belch and Belch, 2009). Furthermore, it is due to the fact that the customers want a more mobile and efficient method of travel from one place to another that makes the market receptive to the idea. The market is lucrative and promising due to the increase in the number of people that are buying cars. This is because, with the increased number of vehicles that clutter up the roads, there will be an increased demand for vehicles that are more mobile and efficient in the sector of maneuvering through traffic. The market is receptive to the scooters that are in market because there are people that are using them more that the conventional mode of transportation. Competition The decision to come up with foldable scooter that is easy to use for the public is one that has been around for a while now and there are companies that have attempted to come up with their own models. The competition has concepts that are close to those of MOVEOs but there are differences that make the vehicles different. The competition has had a good run in the market while making profits in the sector. There have been complaints from the users due to some defects that they were experiencing with their units once purchased (Prigg, 2013, p. 12). The competition is not as stiff due to the presence of very few competitors in the sector. Customer Analysis The public is the buyer of the product and from those that have bought the competitions product, on analysis; we have found that people are not satisfied with the scooters based on the fact that there is no seat for the rider (Belch and Belch, 2012). There are those that have complained that due to the lack of seats, they have opted to have their scooters sent back to the dealers for this reason. It is with this reason that there are customers that have shown interest in the idea of the MOVEO scooter due to the fact that it has a seat and can as well be folded. There are those that have even opted to start and sign consent forms claiming that they would love to own the product on production. The customers claimed that they were interested in the alternative form of transport that is an electric scooter but the lack of a seat made the idea not to settle as well among the customers. Positioning Analysis MOVEO is more than strategically positioned in the sector. This is because it is planning to tap into the lucrative market of foldable yet portable modes of transportation (Percy, 2008). Furthermore, the customer feedback from the market gives the company a more than comfortable position due to the fact that the scooter that we are offering has a seat, an issue that most customers had with the competition. This makes the company well positioned to serve the people and still be able to draw in more followers for the idea. This is because the companys idea caters to the needs that the customers ask for. Despite the fact that there are other scooters that still meet this requirement of the customers, they are meant to be used by children; a fact that not everyone that wants one of these products is a child (Blakeman, 2007). Thus making MOVEO specially positioned as close to the only scooter that caters to the public’s needs while still being stylish. 3. Internal Analysis The MOVEO Company is one that has employees that are less focussed on getting monetary profits but rather getting the best service to the people by offering the best alternative to traveling and transportation. The employees’ devotion to ensuring that this is achieved for the customer is what makes the company well placed to make it into the market. 4. Promotional Objective Corporate objective There are many things that are required when a product goes to market. For a company like MOVEO, the promotional objective for the company is to ensure that there is an increased sale of the goods. The increased sales will result in there being an increase in the revenue that the company generates for itself. In doing so, the company will be encouraged to increase and continue the production of the product so as to continue their profit (MOVEO SCOOTER, 2014). The objective must be one that is aachievable in the offered period of time when the product is launched to the market. Marketing Objective Creating brand awareness When trying to break into a market, one is supposed to ensure that there is an awareness of the brand and continued desire to have and own the brand in the long run. This is done by ensuring that the public and prospective customers do not lose sight of the company and the product that is being provided by the company. In the creation of awareness of a brand, one is required to make sure that all the stops are made and that everyone cannot help but desire to be involved in the change that is coming as a result of the companys product (Caywood, 2012). The product shall be showed for the positives that it has. The scooter is one that has an electric and is foldable. The scooter can reach a top speed of 28mph and can achieve a distance of 22 miles on a full charge. Furthermore, it is lighter than the other products on the market and thus it is better than the rest and thus making it easier to use by the people. The scooter weighs in at 25kg and can be pulled along the ground with its wheels; just like a suitcase. This will make the scooter more attractive to the consumers and thus having more revenue generating. This will take place over a period of time that is measurable over the first quarter of the fiscal year. Communication Objectives Differentiate the brand and providing Information This cannot be done without having created an awareness of the brand (Kotler, 2013). This is because there needs to be an awareness that a specific brand exists and there needs to be a way to prove that it is not the ordinary product that is being offered. This objective assists in increasing the peoples awareness of the product and the reason as to why it stands out. The MOVEO electric scooter can be differentiated by giving people a feel of how the scooter can ease the life of the rider and the way in which it is used and the difference that it has from the competition (Clow and Baack, 2012). In marketing, there needs to be some form of communication that is passed so as to be able to get the attention of a customer (Resch, 2011). This is done by trying to influence the way in which a customer thinks about a product and to have a no reason so as to think of having a different product as compared to the one that they are using; the MOVEO electric scooter. Strengthen the relationship that exists between the consumers and the product This will help in giving the public an approach and an appeal in the product so as to ensure that the people are well conversant with the product and would not wish to have any other product as a substitute (, 2014). 5. Promotional and Creative Strategy The promotional strategy will be to have the scooter present and available for everyone to have access to it and touch it. The scooter will have a type of security system that will allow for the own to only be able to access it. The scooter being a new product will have everything that everyone has been asking for. It shall have a seat, the thing that most people have been asking for; so that the people can believe that the vehicle is everywhere so that people can see it (Hughes and Fill, 2008). Furthermore, to promote the scooter, the company will hire five drivers that we believe are competent so as to ride the scooter around the city and area so as to create a rapport in the area. This will be the beginning of the marketing strategy that the company was to apply. In doing so, the scooter riders will be directed to follow a specific route and head to a designated location where the scooter will be on display (Smith and Zook, 2011) (Kaplan and Norton, 2008). This will encourage those that have interacted in the scooter to be able to see the real thing in action and thus creating an attraction to the people. The company shall use the 3Ps marketing technique whereby there will be a pull, push and profile strategy that will be employed. At the beginning of the campaign and; launch of the product, the company will carry out the pull campaign strategy where all the advertisements will be directed to the end-customer and the decision will be on them and create awareness. Further down the line the push and profile strategies will be played. Profile will be used to give the company a chance to hold back on the stock and create a demand for the product and thus result as being hot. The strategies will all be carried out at their own different intervals with pull starting to create awareness, then the push strategy to get the retailers and advertisers to get the customers and the profile strategy where the attention will change to the people that have invested in the company. 6. Tactics and Communication Mix This will include the use of advertisements so as to get the attention of the public. The advertisements will include the putting up of billboards around the city and the sensitive areas where the scooter shall be used around. To further the sale, the company will ensure that with the continued demand for ‘green’ forms of travel, the scooter shall be pushed to the public as a vehicle that is not only the preference to the public but to the environment as well. This shall as well appeal to the people that are strong believers in the environment being treated as a sacred place. The billboards shall feature some green colors so as to push the idea across (Garun, 2013). Furthermore, advertisements will not be only communicational mix that shall be used. For the people that agreed to sign a consent form to have the scooter, they shall be contacted by direct mail so as to give them a more personalized feel to the company and hope that the scooter will present the same. This will further sweeten the pot for the customers so as to ensure that they are well enticed to buy the scooter. However, to seal the deal, the company shall throw in discounts for the people so as to ensure that there is more of a rapport at the way the company is offering the cheapest prices for a product that is efficient to the people while still being stylish (Varey, 2002). There will need to be some media strategy as well so as to ensure that the people are able to see the MOVEO scooter and ensure that there is as much coverage as possible to ensure that there is more rapport of the product. The communication and marketing of the product shall be further pushed and pulled through the media through the use of FM radio stations and TV channels. There shall be ads that will air during the peak hours of the day when most people are listening to the radio. This would be most effective if the ad was to be aired early in the day or late in the evening at around 5 or 6 o’clock when most people are moving from their workplaces. This is the most effective method because most people shall be leaving their workplaces and would be stuck in the traffic snarl up that is synonymous with towns. This will be until the end of the year so as to get the people thinking about the MOVEO scooter. In the second half of the predicted period, it is seen that the marketing strategy will be stronger with it occurring during the festive season of the year and people preparing for the coming year and the changes that they would experience in their workplaces. The advertisements over the airwaves will be more vigorous with the adverts being split 55% and 45% on radio and television respectively. With a budget of £5 million, the company will ensure that there is constant marketing of the product. This will require that the budget is maximized and there is no need for further marketing due to the previous marketing process that took place. The budget shall be allocated as required with a fraction being put into the payment to the people that shall be riding the scooter through town, giving incentives to the public. This would include the compensation for the riders. Having 20 riders of the scooter, there would result in there being a total of £1 million. The rides would be a daily thing that would not cease at any time. Furthermore, branded merchandise will be provided and this would require there to be money to pay for the branding process (Fill, 2011). This branding would include the giving out of free t-shirts to the public so that the public may act as free agents to the company. The branding is essential because the cyclist may attract attention to the scooter but there needs to be a reason for the general public to follow the cyclist. Due to the fact that there will need to be a place to showcase the scooter and to ensure that there is a better place they would pay for the space that is used. There would as well be a need to have billboards that are spread around the city so as to make sure that the people have an idea of the positives that the company has to offer in their scooter. The billboards will be strategically located in the city. It is important that the image that is used for advertising is changed from time to time so as to ensure that there is a new image that is aired because study show that a new thing in the public eye is bound to spark interest in the public faster than something that has always been there. This is easy because there is less work that is to be done and there will be no need to relaunch the product (Dietrich and Livingston, 2013). This will include instances where there shall be some color scheme changes and a renewed interest in the public whereby they shall be pushed to take in the new and improved marketing model that has been created. The total amount that shall be used in the process will be close to the budgeted £5 million. This will aid in the creation of revenue and furthermore, create profit for the company in the long run. This was detailed in a gannt chart that coordinates the activity with its allocated timing and budget spending. (See appendix) 7. Evaluation and Control This process shall be used to determine the usefulness of the marketing strategy that was employed and whether they were carried out as described and planned by the committee that was in charge of the process. This will help in the determination of whether the idea was a total loss of money or whether the program was effective. This is something that can be best determined by the question of whether the company managed to generate as much revenue that would help in the creation of profits for the company (Young, 2010). References List Avery, J. 2010. Advertising campaign planning. 4th ed. Chicago, IL: Copy Workshop. Belch, G. E. and Belch, M. A. 2009. Advertising and promotion. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Belch, G. E. and Belch, M. A. 2012. Advertising and promotion. New York: McGraw- Hill/Irwin. Blakeman, R. 2007. Integrated marketing communication. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Caywood, C. L. 2012. The handbook of strategic public relations and integrated marketing communications. New York: McGraw-Hill. Clow, K. E. and Baack, D. 2012. Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications. 5th ed. Boston: Prentice Hall. Coxworth, B. 2013. MOVEO electric scooter folds in two, and looks kind of cool. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13 Apr 2014]. Dietrich, G. and Livingston, G. 2013. Marketing in the round. Indianapolis, Ind.: Que Pub. Fill, C. 2011. Essentials of marketing communications. Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall/Pearson. Garun, N. 2013. Foldable MOVEO electric scooter packs up like a carry-on bag. [online] Available at:!DOyco [Accessed: 13 Apr 2014]. Hughes, G. and Fill, C. 2008. Marketing communications 2008/09. London: Butterworth- Heinemann. 2014. The MOVEO is a Lightweight Electric Scooter that Folds Up For Easy Storage. [online] Available at: scooter-that-folds-up-for-easy-storage/moveo-electric-scooter-4/ [Accessed: 13 Apr 2014]. Kaplan, R. S. and Norton, D. P. 2008. The execution premium. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business Press. Kotler, P. 2013. Principles of marketing. 6th ed. Harlow: Pearson. Mcdaniel, C. D. and Gates, R. H. 2013. Marketing research essentials. 8th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. MOVEO SCOOTER. 2014. [online] Available at: description/ [Accessed: 13 Apr 2014]. Percy, L. 2008. Strategic integrated marketing communication. Amsterdam: Butterworth- Heinemann. Petron, A. J. 2008. The folding Roboscooter: structural analysis for an electric scooter used in urban conditions. Prigg, M. 2013. Youll never need a parking space again: The £2,000 suitcase scooter with a top speed of 28mph that can you can fold in half. Daily Mail, 19th March, p. 12. Resch, M. 2011. Strategic project management transformation. Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.: J. Ross Pub. Smith, P. R. and Zook, Z. 2011. Marketing communications. 5th ed. London: Kogan Page. Varey, R. J. 2002. Marketing communication. London: Routledge. Young, A. 2010. Brand media strategy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Appendix Read More
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