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Target Retail Return Experience - Essay Example

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Some members have a negative experience while others have a positive experience. However, the numbers of the disappointed members supersede the numbers of the satisfied members. There is a consistent negative…
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Target Retail Return Experience
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Target Retail Return Experience TARGET RETAIL RETURN EXPERIENCE Part 2 Question The current shopper’s return experience at target is negative. Several customers have consistently raised questions concerning the workers’ treatment whenever they return a product (Rowley, 2010).Question # 2The experience is not consistent across all Target team members. Some members have a negative experience while others have a positive experience. However, the numbers of the disappointed members supersede the numbers of the satisfied members.

There is a consistent negative reaction of the employees towards their customers whenever they return an item on negative grounds. (Target, 2013)From the customer’s affairs department at Target, there are several reviews of the comments posted by customers whenever they return an Item. Melany posted on 18 July 2013, about her experience when she returned an item through UPS. The company denied receiving the item, therefore, could not acknowledge her problem and provide a solution. She does not plan to shop at Target anytime soon.

Another customer, Roger from Seattle, shares his experience with shopping at Target. Having bought a T-mobile phone, it dies after 90 days. On returning, he could not receive another phone, simply because he did not keep the box that he purchased it with. The customers consistently show dissatisfaction in the customer service offered by Target (Customeraffairs, 2013).Question #3(Customeraffairs, 2013)Question # 4Wal-mart is one of Targets main competitors. It has registered many positive reviews by the customers who happen to shop at the store.

The services are fast enough and they ensure that the customers get what they want whenever they want it (Wal-mart, 2013).Question # 5(Wal-mart, 2013)Part 3Question # 1The team would focus on electronic equipment customers who would love to have quality equipment at affordable prices and proper customer service.Question # 2The return experience would be good enough to ensure that the customers return to the store for further purchase after the sale of an item. Proper return experience would help retain the customers further.

It is positive return experience among other factors, which dictate the survival of a company in business.Question # 3The customer service should cater for all the returns according to the customer’s demands and the policy of the firm.Question # 4The business objective is to provide quality electronics to people who need then. The communications objectives is to ensure that everyone know about the company’s product despite the competitive electronic market. This is through providing useful information everywhere that attracts customers.

The target audience is the unsatisfied community that has a bad return experience with other competitive electronic firms. The firm will collect feedback from the customer affairs in the company and work the recommendations given by the customers.Question # 5The firm would constantly educate the customers on the importance of return experience and print it on the products that the customers purchase.Question # 6Conversion of business from firm oriented to customer oriented.Question # 7Customer First!

Question # 8Customer first! We care. . .Question # 9The ad would be in screens throughout the city and social; media to reach many people in little time.ReferencesRowley, L. (2010). On Target: How the Worlds Hottest Retailer Hit a Bulls-Eye. New York: John Wiley & Sons.Target - Returns & Exchanges. (2013, January 17). Retrieved October 7, 2013, from Customeraffairs: shopping experience. (2013, May 15). Retrieved October 7, 2013, from Target: Return policy.

(2013, June 16). Retrieved October 7, 2013, from Wal-mart:

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