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Social Networking Site Marketing - Dissertation Example

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The paper "Social Networking Site Marketing" suggests the social networking sites will create a profitable link to the luxury branded fashion apparel companies' official websites, they can easily augment the luxury branded fashion apparel companies' official website sales and physical store sales…
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Social Networking Site Marketing
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Many researchers carry out measurement of data. The research can gather data using several methodologies. The methodologies include letting selected U.K. research respondents answer a questionnaire. The questionnaire may include a yes or no question. The current research includes a yes or no research question. The questionnaire may include letting the U.K. research respondents rank several choices from the highest to the lowest rank. The current U.K. research includes this type of methodology in the research.

Further, U.K. research respondents can be asked to pick one of several alternative choices. The current U.K. research included requiring the U.K. research respondents to pick their best choice from several alternative choices. The implementation of the different methodology types includes a compulsory implementation of a clear and explicit research methodology. To be convincing, the researcher must explain the different steps taken to accomplish the methodology goals, including time-constrained objectives (Roy, 2008).

Statistics. The term can be defined as the collection of research data. In addition, statistics cover the presentation of research findings. Lastly, statistics incorporate the interpretation of the research findings. Statistics can also be defined as the use of graphs and tables to present a favorable picture of the research findings. Statistical research normally ends with the researchers drawing up conclusions (Burt, 2009).Trend analysis. The current research is grounded on trend analysis. A trend can be defined as the investigation of what is popular and what is not popular.

The definition is a very common-sense discussion of trend analysis. A more complex definition includes the use of quantitative statistical tools to answer a scientifically formulated research question. The trend analysis includes the gathering of both independent and dependant variables. The variables will contribute to spotting the future direction of one product, service, or any other activity. Normally, trend analysis focuses on the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variables.

In the current research, the independent variable is the 160 U.K. research respondents. The dependent variables are many. The dependent variable includes choosing the best social networking sites. The dependent variables also include choosing the best luxury branded fashion apparel brand. Consequently, time-series statistical tools can be used to present a more convincing trend analysis forecast (Chandler, 2011). SPSS. The term refers to modern statistical software. Under the SPSS statistical research approach, the researcher inputs the 160 U.K. research respondents’ answers into the SPSS software.

The research clicks any statistical tool choices listed in the SPSS menu. After selecting the statistical tool, the SPSS generates the results of the chosen statistical tool. By clicking on the mean statistical tool, the research can immediately expect the SPSS statistical software to generate the results of the mean statistical tool.

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“The Role of Social Networking in Building Strong Luxury Fashion Brands Dissertation”, n.d.
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