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The Issue of Emotion in the Workplace - Article Example

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The paper "The Issue of Emotion in the Workplace" is a great example of a management article. This paper provides a critical analysis of the issue of emotion in the workplace. The Affective Events Theory was proposed as a key theory that influences emotion in the workplace. The paper takes note of the fact that although managing employee emotions is a difficult task, nevertheless, managers are required to take a leading role…
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EMOTION IN THE WORKPLACE Name: Lecturer: Course: Date: Executive Summary This paper provides a critical analysis of the issue of emotion in the workplace. The Affective Events Theory was proposed as a key theory that influences emotion in the workplace. The paper takes note of the fact that although managing employee emotions is a difficult task, nevertheless, managers are required to take a leading role in managing the emotions of employees. The paper therefore recommends the need for training managers on emotional intelligence. Introduction The existence of emotion in the workplace is inevitable. This is because employees encounter different events that are bound to influence their emotions either positively or negatively. Various scholars have therefore ventured on the study of emotions in the workplace. This paper seeks to provide a critical analysis of key issues in the article ‘’ Emotion in the Workplace; The new Challenge for managers by Ashkanasy and Daus (2002). The Affective Events Theory (AET) Ashkanasy and Daus (2002) propose that the Affective Events Theory (AET) is a significant model that explains the origin of positive and negative emotions in the workplace. According to the AET theory the nature of the job and any requirements for emotional labor affect the work attitudes. More significantly, the two factors influence work events which are the daily hustles and uplifts that each person goes through in the workplace. I also support the assertions proposed by the AET theory. The theory has increased my understanding of the fact that the occurrences that take place around the workplace actually influence the emotions of the employee. In addition, the occurrences also influence employee’s job satisfaction, dissatisfaction and reaction. For instance, when evaluating the case study provided by the authors of Ruth Alison, a sales person in a large department store, we see that the experiences she goes through in her work place greatly influence her emotions. Although she keeps on smiling to the customers, the treatment she gets from her boss influences her negative attitude which further makes her feel like she wants to quit her job. Personally I have also experienced the fact that what happens in my work environment greatly influences either negative or positive emotions. I once worked as an office administrator of a certain company. My boss was quite harsh and inconsiderate. He even gave me errands that were not associated to my job description during my recruitment. I was always dissatisfied with my job. In a practical sense, the Affective Events Theory provides a realistic explanation concerning what influences the emotions of the employees. I however contend the author’s idea that the emotional state which arises from effective events is the center of employee behavior and attitude formation in organizations. In my opinion, although emotions are crucial in influencing organization behavior and attitudes, however, there are other factors that influence organizational behavior and attitudes. I therefore believe that the AET theory would also have integrated the aspect of emotional regulation as a crucial factor that influences employee behavior and attitude formation in organizations. Emotional regulation involves the process by which a person controls the expression and experience of emotions. As argued by, Carson, (2006) affective events do not automatically lead to the expression or experience of emotions. This is because the process of emotional regulation also offers a critical mediation between the affective events and emotional outcomes. Therefore, the AET theory would have also incorporated emotional regulation, based on the fact that, although people react to affective events in their work environment, they also have the capability to control their emotions. As seen in the case, Ruth Alison is facing problems with her boss, however she is still able to smile. This may be attributed to the fact that she has emotional control. The Affective Events Theory also propagates that the personal dispositions of an individual which include employees; personalities and moods, influence how they respond to their work environment. In my opinion, the above assertion is indeed true and practical. This is because people have different personalities which influence how they handle issues that take place in their environment. An employee can respond either with positive emotions or with negative emotions. For instance; a person with little emotional stability is more likely to respond intensely to a negative occurrence. When looking at the case provided by the authors; it can be stated that Ruth Alison has a high level of emotional stability. This explains the reason why although her boss does not treat her well, she keeps on smiling to the customers. Managing Emotions at Work The article also brings about the realization of the fact that managing emotions at work can actually be a challenging undertaking. Employees are frequently required to express positive emotions even when they do not feel like. For instance; one is required to suppress their anger when dealing with customers by smiling at them at all times. This can actually be a hard undertaking. I also support the fact that managing emotions at work can be difficult. In my initial job as administrative assistance, my boss gave me a very difficult time. At times I felt that that I would explode and give my boss a harsh response. Nevertheless I suppressed the anger at all times. I pretended that things were okay, yet I was so annoyed deep down. When I finally got another job, I left the company without thinking twice. Emotional Labour and Customer Service Performance Ashkanasy and Daus (2002) also introduce the idea of emotional labour as the act of managing emotions in the work place. The authors examine the concept of emotional labor essentially in customer service performance. In customer service jobs the perception of the customers towards the service and the attitude of the employees is very significant. If the employees display a positive attitude then they are bound to display a favorable attitude in the minds of the customers. In my opinion, emotional labour is mainly for the objective of the organization. Employees control their emotions in order for the organization to meets its objectives. I also believe that the concept of emotional labour is indeed important. This is because without the ability of the employees to control their emotions, it definitely becomes difficult for them to retain customers. I have noted that in most cases the satisfaction of customers is greatly influenced by the manner in which they are treated by the service providers. For instance; a customer is bound to come back for a certain service if they were treated in a proper way by the service providers. A study conducted by Sivesan and Karunanithy (2014) to examine the influence of employee services on customer satisfaction in the financial sector, revealed that the services offered by employees are important in influencing customer retention and satisfaction. Emotional Intelligence The article discloses the fact that emotional intelligence is distinct but is also closely linked to other classical conceptions of intelligence. These include; aspects such as understanding, management of emotions and critical competencies for effective socialization such as empathy, decision making and even working in teams. I do support this assertion. This is basically because as argued by Carmeli, (2003) employees with emotional intelligence possess other attributes such social awareness which makes them have the capability of understanding how others feel. The article also propagates that emotional intelligence is an attribute that is developed over time. As a result it can be enhanced through training. In my opinion, I do not believe that emotional intelligence can actually be acquired through training. This is because although the human resource department can give employees training on how to develop emotional intelligence, the ability to manage ones emotions is actually an individual’s choice. The authors also propose that emotional intelligence plays a significant role in influencing good leadership and team work. I do believe that emotional intelligence can influence good leadership. For instance; when leaders recognize the emotional needs of their followers and provide positive solutions to resolving them, it is possible for employees to develop positive emotions. Also emotionally intelligent employees are able to work effectively in teams based on the fact that they have the ability identify and understand the emotions of their fellow group members. Strategies for Developing an Emotionally Healthy Organization The article offers solutions concerning how organizations can develop emotionally healthy organizations. One of the approaches is the use of preventative techniques such as; creation of a positive working environment, evaluating the emotional impacts of the job, selecting teams and employees on basis of emotional intelligence and encouraging a positive emotional climate through compensation and rewards. Restorative techniques on the hand include; cultural change, targeted change and environmental and job change. In my opinion, the proposed strategies are indeed workable however there is need for emphasis on preventive techniques based on the fact that they greatly influence employee emotions. Recommendations It is essential for the management to take note of the fact that they have a great role to play in influencing the emotions of the employees in the workplace. As a result, managers should adopt both preventative and restorative measures in order to create positive emotions for employees. Also, the management should be trained on emotional intelligence. Although the authors propose that training on emotional intelligence should be provided to employees, however, I believe that the training will be more beneficial for managers and opposed to employees. Conclusions The above discussion has provided a critical analysis of emotion in the workplace. The Affective Events Theory (AET) theory was discussed as a relevant theory that influences employee emotions in the workplace. The paper also discusses the issue of emotional labour and emotional intelligence as key issues that influence emotions in the workplace. In conclusion, it can be stated that the article is indeed beneficial essentially for managers, who are required to take a leading role in managing emotion in the workplace. References Ashkanasy, N and Daus, C, 2002, Emotion in the Workplace; The new Challenge for managers. Academy of Management Executives. 16(1), p76-80. Carmeli, A, 2003, The relationship between emotional intelligence and work attitudes, behavior and outcomes: An examination among senior managers, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18, 788–813. Carson, R, 2006, Exploring the Episodic Nature of Teachers' Emotions as it Relates to Teacher Burnout, ProQuest. Sivesan, S and Karunanithy, M (2014). Impact of Customer Orientation of Service Employees On Customer Satisfaction towards Retention in Finance Companies. European Journal of Business and Management. Read More
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The Issue of Emotion in the Workplace Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words.
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