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Reactions To Control Management Of British Airways Employees - Case Study Example

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The paper "Reactions To Control Management Of British Airways Employees" discusses how improving control management could improve employees performance. It also focuses on that how to improve employee attitudes toward control management at all levels of the job hierarchy…
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Reactions To Control Management Of British Airways Employees
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The need for this study is justified by the fact that if organizations are unable to realize the negative reactions to their control functions, it would greatly hamper the performance of their employees. There is high importance of understanding how to gauge the negative reactions to control management.The current research utilized the benefits of quantitative research methodology. Quantitative research has already proved to be an effective tool for exploring, analyzing, and researching various management concepts and phenomena.

The definitions of quantitative research vary: more often than not, quantitative research is defined as the means of researching and analyzing quantitative relationships between variables (Nykiel 2008). According to Nykiel (2008), “descriptions of quantitative research typically discern a cycle of successive phrases of hypothesis formulation, data collection, analysis and interpretation” (p.55). Quantitative research presents business researchers with a unique opportunity to gather and analyze the data that can be tracked over time (Nykiel 2008).

Quantitative research is associated with numerous advantages and, simultaneously, reveals serious methodological limitations. The latter, however, does not prevent the researchers from using this form of business research to achieve reliable and measurable research results.Quantitative research is believed to have two most important advantages. First, quantitative research is the most effective way for researchers to produce statistically reliable results (Nykiel 2008). In other words, the quantitative methodology is the only way for business and management researchers to determine whether one idea and/ or concept is better than its alternative(s).

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