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Cultural Awareness Plan - Essay Example

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Behavior such as teamwork and cross-cultural interactions will be consistent with our goals…
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Cultural Awareness Plan
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of Phoenix Material Cultural Awareness Plan – Template Complete the following template: Cultural Awareness Goals Specify the goals of the organization’s cultural awareness plan and explain how meeting each goal will facilitate communication and cooperation between the American team and their counterparts. To create awareness and tolerance among the culturally diverse groups working at the regional branches of Shell Petroleum. Enhance teamwork and understanding Foster cooperation between American Expatriates and the local employees.

Behavior Identify which behaviors will be targeted for change in the training program and explain what behavior consistent with the goals of the training program would look like. Corruption and bribery, looking down on women and intolerance are behaviors that will be sought to be changed by the program. Behavior such as teamwork and cross-cultural interactions will be consistent with our goals. Exercises Formulate several exercises to reinforce culturally appropriate behaviors. Emphasizing on it during the training program.

Where exceptional, awarding the performers. Resources List resources that can complement either the training program or the overall cultural awareness plan. Funds to pay the experts in the training, organizing the cultural event and printing handbooks. A hall for the exercise. Catering services Assessment Explain how you will assess the effectiveness of the training program. I will assess the effectiveness of the program by observing the employees after the training. I will study their interaction with those from other cultures before making my conclusion.

I will also use review questionnaires to find out whether they recall what they learned from the training program.

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