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History of Cannon Inc - Essay Example

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The following essay entitled 'History of Cannon Inc' presents Cannon Inc. which is a company that was started in 1986 by an engineering student who dropped out of school Oklahoma State University to venture into computer electronic supplies in the city…
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History of Cannon Inc
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By mid-2000, Canon diversifies its product and its reputation for high-quality products. The diversification helped the company to secure its position as an industry leader. From 1999 to 2008, the annual sales of the company rose from $400 million to over $1.3billion.The company products include computer and other computer-related products such as printers, fax/copiers, calculators, and scanners. Some of its services include designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing computers. The company also engaged in producing a line of personal digital assistants to work in different areas.

Mission StatementThe company's mission could: to provide a digital solution to its clients through continuous research in digital technology in computers and its peripherals.However, the founding mission of Canon was to build a Company that created high-quality Cameras.Vision Statement:The company's vision could be: to be a global leader in digital technology and computer designing, development, manufacturing, and marketing.Its real vision statement, however, is to become a leading digital imaging and networking company.

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“No Topic Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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