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Transformational Leadership - Essay Example

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The essay “Transformational Leadership” focuses on the act of leading a group of people or an organization. Transformational leadership is measured in terms of how much a leader can affect his followers and motivate them to leadership. For this, the leader requires Individualized Consideration…
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Transformational Leadership
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The theory works well across all cultures and cross-culture as well. In Arabic cultures, people are inspired by leaders who have a personal touch to their work. While in western cultures work is non-personal. Nevertheless, both cultures require inspiration and leaders in both cultures follow transformational models. Individualized consideration is the second part of transformational leadership theory which actually works reasonably well across cultures. Individualized consideration requires the leader to attend to each sub-ordinate individually, keeping all communication channels open and learning about behavior patterns.

This also encourages the sub-ordinates to share ideas and celebrate the idea of individual contribution to a project. Individualized consideration works because the leader acts as a mentor instead of a bureaucratic boss. Sub-ordinates warm up to the idea of contributing more to their jobs than routine work and they also feel that they are being given special attention by their bosses. Secondly, transformational leadership has lead leaders to work more efficiently in different cultures and different settings due to its wide acceptance.

The Internet has made the sub-ordinates more open to the transformational type of leadership which is helping different cultures assimilate. A few days back I decided to take up a small job as the store manager. It wasn’t something I hadn’t done before. Back in high school, I had worked with my dad at his shop but to work for someone else is new. I believe it is very soon to mix with sub-ordinates. I will give you some more time. But they are beginning to accept me and I think the job will be fine.

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