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Proffecional report on ethical behavior and unethical behavior articles - Assignment Example

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Contents Section 1- 2 Introduction to the project: 2 Evaluation and Assessment of the Article 2 Article 1 summery (unethical) 2 Article 1 (ethical) 4 Article 2 (ethical) 5 Article 2 (unethical) 6 Article 3 (ethical) 7 Article 3 (unethical) 8 Section 2 - What we learned from this project?…
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Proffecional report on ethical behavior and unethical behavior articles
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It studies what factors make the system ethical or unethical. It also aims to highlight the issues which prevail in the society and how they are effecting the environment and system of any nation. The Global business standard code is a code of conduct based on code of ethics. It helps to understand the regulation of any system internally and externally on ethical laws and codes. It is a principle of 8 codes which focus on responsible practice of ethics in any system. It’s not a one sided plan; but a complete code which applies on both authorities and underworkers.

Evaluation and Assessment of the Article Article 1 summery (unethical) The Dowager Queen of Belgium is reported to have evaded 70% of bereavement duties by channeling the finances to her relations through a foundation. The Queen, Fabiola, has been getting an annual public reward from Belgium from the time when the King Baudouin, her spouse, passed away in 1993. The unpleasant incident now causes upheaval given the current economic state of the bulk of European nations. Like the majority of European states, Belgium has laid down plans underway to cut back on public spending and monarchs within the European states have been criticized for their copious public expenditure.

The Queen insists that she wasn’t placing publicly funded payment within the charity. She said that fund “would only include her private money.” She further claimed that the lone costs that were covered by the payment were housekeeping costs, together with salaries. Belgium wants to cut the annual stipend of Queen Fabiola after political leaders learned she had put up a private charity to provide for her nephews and nieces and for her preferred Catholic foundations after her demise. Premier Elio Di Rupo had told MPs he sought to cut the sum to €923,000 (?776,000) back from €1.

4 million (?1.18m). As the only widow of the late King Baudouin – a dedicated Catholic who in 1990 did step aside provisionally to steer clear of signing the nation's abortion bill – insists the cash came from assets inherited from her Hispanic family. The 84-year-old at the moment maintains that she has had to dissolve the charitable vehicle set up in September that let her to forward monies. The surfacing of the plan not many weeks ago aggravated rare fury in both political and media circles in Belgium and has hit the realm to its foundations.

The Property Principle and The Citizenship Principle were not respected by the monarch in her dealings with the state. Evaluation over GBS codex: This is an unethical article over the realities of the story when we see it as a system; evaluating it over Global Business Standards Codes we can classify it as an unethical one. Out of eight components of GBS codes which fit over the story are first The Transparency Principle and Fiduciary principle because being the Queen she has the duty to do charity and help poor whereas it has been reported about her that she had been ignoring about 70% of the bereavement duties she is supposed to do.

She furthermore had been controlling and channelizing the finances to a foundation she made and didn’t announce publicly; which basically is going to benefit her own relatives. All this tells that she had been ignoring the Transparency and Fiduciary principles according to GBS codex. The Queen Fabiola has an annual

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