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Reading response Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie - Essay Example

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The story describes the teenager’s adventures, tribulations and subsequent trials. All these events are familiar to readers. Steven has a crush with the most beautiful and popular…
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Reading response Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie
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Reader’s Response to Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie The story is characterized by sarcasm and is consequently narrated by Steven, who is a teenager. The story describes the teenager’s adventures, tribulations and subsequent trials. All these events are familiar to readers. Steven has a crush with the most beautiful and popular girl in school. Also, he has a cute brother called Jeffery and parents who constantly annoy him. The story gives an account of his life and that of his family in a colorful and most convincing style (Sonnenblick).

Steven is displayed as a compelling and amusing narrator. I was ready and willing to let him narrate the woes that marred his adolescence for 273 pages!The story is very relevant to my personal experience as a young person. The events that happen in Steven’s life and family are familiar with me. For example, Steven’s crush on the hottest girl in school is very familiar to all young people in schools. The fact that his parents always irk and annoy him is something all teenagers go through.

As such, the events that happen in his family are a clear description of what average families go through. Jeffery’s sickness makes him blame himself and thinks that if he was a better person, God would heal his brother. This is a very personal experience that I have faced every time my family members were in trouble (Stevenson 156-157). I would promise God to be a better person so that He would stop punishing my family. Additionally, the assurance he expects from his parent, that the cancer would just go away, is something I seek to every time my family is in a tight situation.

The story has taught me a lot and changed my opinion about family. The major lesson I learned is that even children are affected when a family member is sick. They may take the blame for the situation, in a bid to make sense out of the situation. Jeffery’s sickness affects Steven in that he blames himself for, not being good enough. He tries not to accept the facts, since accepting that his brother is too ill may mean accepting the probability of death (Sonnenblick). My opinion that parents always have answers to everything changed after reading the story.

Steven’s parents have no answer when he asks them if the cancer mistake has been sorted out. His mother is described as weepy and his father as a zombie. In families, there are situations where not even the parents have a solution.The story clearly describes family, sickness and relationships; which are important issues to me. Family is defined in a simple and very realistic perspective. Steven’s family is a typical average family, facing real issues. For example, his family is described as a tight family that communicates and involves all members.

I identify with his family since my family is similar to his. Various relationships have been described such as family, school and love relationships (Sonnenblick). Steven is able to relate well to his family, teachers and even has a crush. All teenagers/students go through such and need to balance them. Steven is an excellent example of how these relationships can be well managed. Managing family issues such as sickness is an important element because it affects every family member. Additionally, understanding that parents may not have all the answer is also important to avoid personal blame for family situations.

The story was very enjoyable. It was written in a remarkable amusing and compelling way. Also, it was very easy for me to identify with Steven because the events of his life correspond to my life story. The author used irony and sarcasm to illustrate major events and bring comic relief (Stevenson 156-157). For example, when Steven asks his parents whether the ‘cancer mistake has been sorted out’. Despite this being a very sad statement, one can’t help but laugh at his innocence. Additionally, the character is credible, well-drawn and believable.

The writer presented the cancer subject with frankness and conveyed the realities of people living with the disease in an honest, engaging and realistic way.Works CitedSonnenblick, Jordan. Drums, girls, and dangerous pie. Scholastic Inc., 2010. PrintStevenson, Deborah. "Drums, Girls & Dangerous Pie (review)." Bulletin of the Center for Childrens Books 59.3 (2005): 156-156. Print

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