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Hamlet DF 2 response 3/rebuttal - Essay Example

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In this excerpt, the author expresses his opinions that the King’s and Players speeches both show clearly the enmity between Hamlet and Claudius. I do not think that this is…
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Hamlet DF 2 response 3/rebuttal
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Rebuttal Hamlet is a very powerful play written with very interesting use of grammar and figures of speech. In this excerpt, the author expresses his opinions that the King’s and Players speeches both show clearly the enmity between Hamlet and Claudius. I do not think that this is clear from the words from these two sides that Claudius and Hamlet are at loggerheads. The only clear indication is when Hamlet tells the King that the name of his play will be “The Mouse Trap”. Also to consider is the fact that we are only told of Hamlet’s plot of scheming against Claudius but not of Claudius’ intentions or plot (Clarke, 28).

The saying that is quoted here, “where little fears grow great, great love grows there” should not be misunderstood. This was meant as a phrase to show that fears do arise. Little doubts are that ones that become fears, hence it is not true that there are no fears where there is love. It is however true that great love grows where little fears become huge, not just love being present where little fears grow great. It is great love that is present (Clarke, 15).Love and money are two different things.

While for some love leads to money, for others money leads to love. I tend to disagree that money leads to love. This is only love based on material wealth and not from the true connection between two different people. The saying that violence is either sad or happy is not a conclusive one. It is clear that happiness brought about by violence is only short lived and is happiness to only the perpetrators of the violence. In the long run, violence is only sad (Clarke, 20).ReferencesClarke, W. Miscellaneous observations on the Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark: With a preface containing some general remarks on the writings of Shakespeare (Google eBook).

Google, 1752. eBook

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