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Graphology Vs Forensic Document Examination - Assignment Example

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 This essay considers the differences between forensic document examination and graphology, and, also the differences between the organizations of FDE and graphology. Graphology, also referred to as Grapho analysis denotes the study of handwriting, especially as an indicator of the writer’s character…
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Graphology Vs Forensic Document Examination
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Graphology Vs Forensic Document Examinationa.) The Differences between Forensic Document Examination and Graphology. Graphology, also referred to as Grapho analysis denotes study of handwriting, especially as an indicator of the writer’s character or disposition (Headrick & Huber, 2010). Conversely, forensic document examination is a scientific field lawfully-established to ascertain the legitimacy and point out the documents in dispute any form of forgery (Lewis, 2014). Writing projects a personality description, therefore, graphology is meant to relate specific graphic stroke-structure to certain behavior or underlying disposition (Headrick & Huber, 2010).

FDE scope encompasses ascertaining of one’s script as well as signatures, which are essential in shunning forgery incidents. It does analytical unveiling photocopies, check writers as well as typewriters of certain texts under scrutiny (Headrick & Huber, 2010). It can examine to note any similarity amid inks and uncover exact writing too used. FDE also observes any alterations, hence acting as a legal basis for forensic identification of a trailed culprit (Headrick & Huber, 2010). In the U.

S, for one to be recognized as a forensic document examiner he or she needs certification by The American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (ABFDE), unlike for graphologists (Lewis, 2014). In addition, recognized firms normally before considering one eligible for this profession emphasizes on an individual who has a baccalaureate degree, which is a basis for membership. Therefore, for one to be a FDE candidate he or she ought to have an undergraduate or master’s degree (Lewis, 2014). Conversely, most graphologists gain their respective knowhow by themselves.

Graphology endeavors to prognosticate character traits or behavior through a close scrutiny of one’s handwritings. FDE entails scrutinizing as well as ascertaining any comparisons amid documents with known material to ascertain who could be the author and exact source of the text. Graphology is entirely diverse from FDE (Headrick & Huber, 2010).b.) The Differences between the Organizations of FDE and Graphology. Famed forensic document Firms include,American Board of Forensic Document Examiners, Inc. (ABFDE)The American Society of Questioned Document Examiners (ASQDE) (Lewis, 2014) These organizations have been there for quite a long time, with the former instituted in 1977 and the recent one 1913.

This is unlike graphology, which has no well-instituted organization but an analysts group which is dated back only 18 years (Lewis, 2014). The objectives of the forensic document boards embrace devising, maintaining as well as and enhancing qualification standards for its experts. The graphology web page links young graphologists to experts in graphology to help them improve on their skill (Handwritingpro, 1998). This brings in an aspect of contrast in functionality (Headrick & Huber, 2010).

The graphology analyst group being just an interactive forum for its members does not certify them for their knowledge, skills and qualifications as in FDE organizations. Applicants are certified by ABFDE upon compliance with expertise requirements (ABFDE, 2015). By doing so, the FDE board focuses in maintaining document forensic standards. This helps lock out half-baked personnel, since one is expected to produce the necessary skills and qualifications as prove. Since FDE organizations are well instituted and known, most of them have the privilege of being sponsored (Lewis, 2014).

For instance, the ABFDE’s sponsors embrace,Canadian Society of Forensic ScienceThe American Society of Questioned Document ExaminersThe Southwestern Association of Forensic Document ExaminersThe Southeastern Association of Forensic Document Examiners The graphology analysts’ web page is a platform of promotion and discussions to nurture upcoming graphologists. Therefore, it has no major stakeholders apart from maybe the webpage directors and its members. References(1998). “Graphology.

” Handwritingpro. Retrieved from (2015). “Who Are We?” American Board of Forensic Document Examiners, Inc ABFDE. Retrieved from Headrick, A. M. & Huber, R. A. (2010). Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.Lewis, J. (2014). Forensic document examination: Fundamentals and current trends. Burlington: Elsevier Science.

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