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Statement Analysis - Assignment Example

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It finds wide applicability in the area of detecting the truth related facts that convicted individuals often try to hide in order to save them-selves from being…
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Statement Analysis
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Taking reference of this concept, the present topic will focus towards the evaluation of the statements and answered questioners that have been provided by the two individuals who are charged with the allegation of stealing jewelry during their work hours. The details regarding this analysis have been provided below in an elaborated manner. As per general understanding, it can be stated that in the primitive section of the written statement the first convict elaborates a minute description about his identity and the organization for which he works.

Subsequently, the convict also mentioned about the time he reached the Condominium building, which was pointed out to be 9:00AM. Till this part of his statement, no such evidence can be attained regarding him hiding any sort of information that finds alignment with the crime. Despite the refusal projected by the security guard in terms of opening more than one door at a time, the convict still went along in conversation with the other worker in order to convince the manager to permit the security guards to open more doors at a time so that the first worker can get the job done before.

From a logical perspective, a doubt can be raised regarding the intention of the first convict in finishing the work before time irrespective of the fact that he could have worked in a steady pace even if the security guard opened only one door at a time. This instance can be taken as a reference where the convict might have tried to conceive crucial information about the incident (Peterson et al., 2010). The later parts of the statements as provided by the convict appeared to be highly confusing.

Within this section, the convict mentioned a chain of events that he did after his work such as having a meal, changing of clothes, going out to a mall for receiving a new ordered phone. In addition, he also stated that he was picked up by one of his friends who served in the army. At that very instance, he

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