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It also gets funds from monthly premiums deducted from social security checks (Jennie, 2012). The process of applying for this service is by visiting social security and filling in the registration forms.
Other exceptions to achieving Medicare are when one is a widow or a widower between the ages of 60-65 years of age but has not applied for disability benefits because of a security social fund. Also, one is allowed to get Medicare if you are an employee of the government and became disabled before the age of 65. Another case that one gets Medicare is when a whole family is affected by permanent kidney failure. Also by consulting social security you can be allowed to get Medicare if you had Medicare medical insurance in the past but dropped the coverage. Before the baby reaches the age of Medicare many of the resources will have been used and much will have been used on insurance and health (Jonathan, 2013).
Medicare coverage prevents the gaps, the law provides for this service to be randomly assigned to plans if the people eligible do not choose a plan on their own. Random assignments benefit the plans by promising them an equal portion of the enrollment of the dually-entitled population without inconveniencing them with too large options. Different Medicare beneficiaries, dually entitled beneficiaries are allowed to change plans whenever they want to, with their new treatment effective the month following their action to change. Changing plans, however, is difficult and has no risks. First, the number of average cost plans in each region ranges from six to eighteen, and the systems available to help beneficiaries know what each plan covers require access to high-speed internet service and a printer. Little dual-eligible uses the internet, so to make use of these decision supports, a beneficiary must generally get help from someone else. Medicare does not cover custodial care for people who are unable to live independently for example those without eyesight and the deaf. Custodial care is very expensive and uses up to $78,000 a year. Much is spent before the baby comes to the appropriate age to receive Medicare (Leslie, 2008).
Supplemental insurance works in combination with other insurance. It does not work alone and does not provide primary and basic health coverage. It is not for everyone and it works well for self-employed people those with children and families. This is the category of people who cannot be able to account for large medical bills. In this case, many conditions are put in place. An example of a supplemental plan is indemnity insurance which provides fixed cash benefits for the specific covered services. For conditions involving critical conditions, some policies are put in place and they have got very many benefits to the individuals. Any conditions can be covered under the supplemental policy.
The reason that makes the Medicare program to be better than social security is the difference in taxes. The social security employee’s wage amounts to 6.2 % compared to the 1.45 % in Medicare. In Medicare, the costs are cut down since the expenses are low. Social security gives its services at a higher cost compared to that Medicare (Merilyn, 2009).
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