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Influence of Perception on Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example

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Influence of Perception on Interpersonal Communication Date Abstract The essay aims to present instances when languages are used to accurately signify facts as contrasted to inferences. Through observing conversations with people one normally interacts with, the discourse would find and discuss instances when tentative language would be more accurate; and when there is a need to distinguish between fact and inferences, and to address them, as required…
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Influence of Perception on Interpersonal Communication
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As noted by Wood (2010), there is a need to distinguish facts from inferences for interpersonal communication to be considered competent. The author clearly defined facts as “an objective statement based on observation; (while) an inference involves an interpretation that goes beyond the facts” (p. 85). In this regard, the essay aims to present instances when languages are used to accurately signify facts as contrasted to inferences. Through observing conversations with people one normally interacts with, the discourse would find and discuss instances when tentative language would be more accurate; and when there is a need to distinguish between fact and inferences, and to address them, as required.

Using Tentative Language In addressing the requirements of becoming more sensitive to the difference between facts and inferences, one observed interpersonal communication that occurred within one’s family members and noted the following: In one instance, I asked my husband to load the washer and empty the dryer. I specifically said: “Honey, I am still finishing up preparing for lunch. Would you please see that the washer is loaded and find out if the drying is likewise empty?” I proceeded preparing our meal and by the time I remembered what I asked my husband to do, I found out that nothing was done.

I could have easily inferred based on one’s initial perception that “My God! Honey, you are such as irresponsible person. The tasks I requested you to do is so simple; yet, you did not comply! You are so insensitive and selfish!” By using tentative words, one could initially reflect that “my husband may be irresponsible or may be insensitive or selfish” so as not to treat the inference as a fact. However, by analyzing the situation, the fact is that the washer was not loaded and the dryer was not emptied.

Now, one would like to know the reasons why these tasks were not complied as requested. Therefore, I asked my husband: “Honey, I told you earlier to please see that the washer is loaded and find out if the drying is likewise empty. How come you did not comply?” My husband replied: “Oh, I am so sorry dear. I did not hear what you said. I went out for a while this morning to take the garbage out. You must have thought I was still in the living room when you gave the instructions. I will do it now.

” So, apparently, the reason why the tasks were not complied, as instructed was that my husband was not even there when I relayed the message. Had I barged and shouted the terms I inferred such as “irresponsible, insensitive and selfish” I would have definitely gone beyond the facts. Extending the Observation When the observation was extended to other people, the work setting is the most appropriate environment where facts and inferences abound. My husband relayed to me his experience in the workplace as he was requested by his boss to work with other personnel, as a team in complying with a new project of targeting new customers to increase their monthly sales.

The boss specifically identified a colleague, Mr. X, to conduct a simple market research on a Friday afternoon at the nearby supermarket to determine if their products are fast moving and who their competitors are. The details are needed

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