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Wireless Personal Area Network's Opportunities - Article Example

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This article “Wireless Personal Area Network's Opportunities ” is dedicated to the analysis of a computer network arranged near a person by connecting all the communication devices around him. The author digs out how the PAN has been evolved to the up-to-date possibilities.
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Wireless Personal Area Networks Opportunities
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PERSONAL AREA NETWORK Technically speaking, a PAN or personal area network is a computer network arranged near a person by connecting all the communication devices around him. The PAN enables the person to act as conduit that will make him communicate with the devices he carries along with him such as cellular phones, watches , and PDA. Through the use of PAN, it is possible to transfer data such as mails, files, digital audio and media. However, PAN range covers a only small area such as 10 meters or less . On a practical level, PAN translates to transferring or passing information from one person to another using touch which we do nowadays using infrared. Before, PAN are connected with cables but advanced technology nowadays allows for wireless connection due to its convenience. When using a wired PAN, Firewire and USB are often the choice technologies. Nevertheless, most of the PAN existing today are already wireless. History of PAN ( Bookrags ) The history of PAN can be traced back to as early as 1982 when Thomas Zimmerman was still developing the data glove ( bookrags ). This project then was conducted at the Alamaden Research Center of International Business Machine ( IBM) with the aim of making the human body transmit information similar to that of a copper cable. Initially, the PAN was developed strictly for game purposes but the concept took a spin when the developers thought of making the body a transmitter of electronic information through the data glove. During that time, IBM were collaborating with a world-class cellist known as Yo Yo Ma in the hope that they can enhance the instruments performance. Interestingly, the scientists discovered that a source of interference in their experiment were the signals passing through the cellists’ body. WPAN A WPAN ( wireless personal area network ) is a sample of PAN which is currently used nowadays. One fundamental concept in using WPAN is plugging in which makes it popular since it is very convenient to use. In fact, when two devices are just within a few meters of each other, they can communicate as if they were connected by a cable. It is also possible to make these devices communicate to a central server even within a few kilometers. For example, a person that carries with him a laptop containing information can be transferred to the PDA of his friend during their meeting in an outdoor café by using Bluetooth. Another instance could be exemplified by two people sending images to each other cellphones using infrared. Wireless PANs commonly use Bluetooth or infrared; thus, it can only contain less than 255 devices which can communicate within a 33-foot range suitable for a small office set-up ( Networld Tech Update 2002 ). In a wireless PAN initialization, a device is selected that will play the role of a controller enabling communication within the WPAN. Thereafter, the controller “broadcasts a beacon “ that synchronizes all the device together . In this process, all the devices within the PAN tries to come in the system by requesting times lot for the controller which in turn allocates time slots for the devices The assigned controller validates the devices before it assigns time slot for each device. An example would be a Bluetooth that has to authenticate 3 different communication device such as cellphones or PDA before allowing them to connect into the WPAN. The devices cannot connect all at the same time but rather one by one since the controller has to authenticate the device. When all of this procedures have happened, data then can be transmitted to the entire wireless PAN via the PAN destination address, or, it can be sent to a single device ( networld Tech update ). Another important feature of WPAN technology is the ability to enable each of the devices to selectively lock out the other devices. This results to increased security since unauthorized access to information is not possible. Considering that WPAN is a relatively new technology, it holds a lot of potential in providing interconnectedness to the world. For example, an anthropologist in Turkey may use his PDA to gain access to database of a library in New York and transmit his findings to that database in the near future. SkinPlex Another type of PAN that was developed in 2007 by Ident Technology of Germany is SKINPLEX. Currently, the product has 16 patents and Microsoft is following suit in the development of similar product. This PAN made use of the human skin as a medium for transmitting the current. As reported in an article in EETimes : Skinplex technology could be used between an identifier worn on the user's body and a receiver integrated into a car, for example. A distinct code is transmitted through touch, the receiver recognizes its dedicated, authorized sender, and the car door is opened, for example. (Hammerschmidt 2004 ) As soon as a bearer touches a receiver, a current of 30 nanoamperes flowing through the skin of the identifier activates the transmission. This signal is considered safe for a human being and more effective in identifying the bearer as shown by prototypes that have been transmitted at 128-bit code at 9600 baud according to Stefen Donat, chief operating officer of Ident Technology AG. In addition to this, another interesting feature of Skinplex is that devices need not to be in contact most of the time since they can communicate within the vicinity through a capacitive link. This capacitive link can bridge a maximum distance of 50 centimeters that has competitive advantage against RFID ( radio-frequency identification ). In contrast to RFID, the energy source is not the human person but a battery. Skinflex is an amazing yet practical technology since it can be used in everyday practical applications such as unlocking security devices and theft protection for consumer electronics such as cameras or cellphone. This would be helpful especially to people with disabilities. Bluetooth - The history of 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks Even without humans, another type of PAN known as Bluetooth technology enabled devices to connect with each other. It was developed in1994 by the Swedish telecommunication firm Ericsson through its collaboration with Nokia, Toshiba, Intel and IBM . The wireless network of Bluetooth can accommodate up to eight devices such as personal computers, cellphones, laptops, MP3 players, digital camera and other devices that are enabled with Bluetooth technology. According to an online article in Network Tutorials, this connection is possible through the network known as Piconet , which can also overlap for ten times forming a Scatternet that enables connection of 80 devices ( Network tutorials 2007 ) . Bluetooth technology is dependent on radio waves that has a frequency of 2.4 Ghz that allows connection of the devices as long as they are in a 10 meter radius. However, it is not advisable to use Bluetooth as a replacement for LAN ( local area network) due to its limited broadcast range. Currently, Bluetooth is used in cellular phones so the user can communicate with a headset which is effective for busy people doing multi-tasking such as driving a vehicle. Bluetooth was used as the basis of IEEE 802.15. There are different types of WPAN developed depending on the specifications. Below is a description of how Bluetooth evolved ( Lee , Kawamura, Borchert 2002 ): 1. The Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) study group was formed in March 1998. 2. In the same year, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) Inc, was formed in May. 3. The following year, in May 1999, the IEEE WPAN Study Group became IEEE 802.15, the WPAN Working Group. The Bluetooth Specification v1.0a was released in July 1999. Indeed, Bluetooth has come a long way in providing efficiency, mobility, and convenience to millions of users around the world. Image below shows the different Wireless Standards. WPAN Set-up In setting up a WPAN, the only tool needed is a Bluetooth device such as a dongle when using the PC. In case of notebooks, the Bluetooth is already built-in the system. The following steps illustrate how to set-up a WPAN using direct connection given that a laptop with a Windows XP Professional OS will be connected to a desktop PC ( same OS version) that has Bluetooth. This type of connection does not need a server and is often known as peer-to-peer connection. 1. Configure the laptop first by turning on the built-in Bluetooth Radio. This can be done by switching the on/off button or through the Bluetooth software. 2. As for the desktop, plug the Bluetooth dongle to an available USB port. Immediately, Windows software will recognize the operation on the screen of both PC and laptop. 3. To double-check the validity of the installation, check the Device Manager under the Network adapters group. The Network connections folder must show a Bluetooth.Refer to image below for a clear illustration of what should be seen in the Device Manager Advantages of PAN Although PAN has limited range it has undoubtedly many advantages that personal users would appreciate. Among them are : 1. Ability to selectively include/exclude users – greater security and no unauthorized access. This protects the users from external threats such as virus and worms. 2. Increased file sharing among users. This is possible due to the convenience afforded by the devices such as Bluetooth. 3. Files can be backed up in a central computer instead of individual computers. This affords protection of data in cases where the file in the device gets lost or corrupted. 4. Central management of software and resources. Centralization of data makes it easier to disseminate information to multiple users. 5. Expensive devices can be shared – no need to purchase individual laser printers or scanners. 6. Users can access files from the workstation of their choice. Since PAN technology is currently being developed, there are advances in this field that will definitely add more advantages. In a news article in ScienceDaily in 2008, it was reported that people may use a thousand devices by 2017 prompting Europe to develop Personal Network that would link groups of PAN .This interprets to more devices that will be designed so that human-machine communication would be greatly established. CONCLUSION The use of Personal Area Network ( PAN ) has grown exponentially in the last decade due to its convenience, portability , and cost. The surprising but innovative discovery of electric signals passing through the human body by Zimmerman has established the connection between machines and humans. Nowadays, the WPAN is popularly used since it is cost-effective and easy to set-up. A simple Bluetooth dongle or infrared can make devices communicate with each other. Indeed, PAN in the form of Bluetooth has come a long way since its inception in 1994 by communication giant Ericsson. In the future, WPAN will continue to dominate the field of transmitters since people would be owning more handheld devices. WORKS CITED : BookRags Staff. "Personal Area Network (Pan)". 2005. April 26 2009. . Hammerschmidt, C., “StartUp launches RFID Alternative”. 2004 . April 20,2009. < http://www. eetimes .com/news/latest/show Article. Jhtml ;jsessionid ZMOZELX5LIWUMQS NDLPCKH0CJUNN2JVN?articleID =26805561&_requestid=6220443 ICT Results. "Technology Behind The Personal Network." ScienceDaily 18 November 2008. 27 April 2009 . Lee H., Kawamura I., Borchert L. “A New Wireless Networking Security Scheme”. 2002. 18 April 2009 .< http://www.cs.ndsu.nodak .edu/~oborcher /network_security/first_progress.html.> “Wireless Network Types”. 2007. 17 April 2009 http://www.networktutorials .info /wireless _networking.html 2007 update Read More
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