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Digipos: Revolutionizing the Retail Sector - Case Study Example

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The company that is the subject of this paper "Digipos: Revolutionizing the Retail Sector" is a company that manufactures several technological systems that are instrumental in the retail business. This includes the production of Point of Sale Retail Systems and hardware that maintain these systems…
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Digipos: Revolutionizing the Retail Sector
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? Revolutionizing the retail sector Digipos: Revolutionizing the retail sector Digipos is a company that manufactures several technological systems that are instrumental in the retail business. This includes the production of Point of Sale Retail Systems and hardware that maintain these systems. Over the years, the company has grappled with challenges while upgrading systems to incorporate the needs of the retail business environment. For example, Digipos grappled with fixing their systems to suit the ever-changing needs of the clients. They also devised solutions to the problem by designing the quantum blade and the retail blade system. The two systems incorporated advanced technology during their upgrade. Consequently, they reduced the costs that organizations incurred as they used the systems (Heidari, 2008). Additional challenges that the invention of the quantum blade and the retail blade system solved entailed rising ownership costs, incompatibility and in efficiency of systems as well as rising operational costs. Problems Digipos faced with regard to system upgrades Digipos experienced several challenges while designing systems that could reduce cost of operations within businesses. Consequently, the company has struggled to cope with changes in technologies that could tackle the desires of clients. Thirdly, Dogipo’s products were incompatible with other technologies. Additionally, the management wanted to reposition the company as leaders when designing technological products that served the needs of the retail businesses. Digipos was facing stiff competition from other companies that designed technological systems that could be used in the retail environment. Besides, they were unable to design systems that were simple to use. According to Heidari (2008), the challenges that the company faced caused dissatisfaction among the users of the company’s systems. The users were raising complaints concerning the effectiveness of Digipo’s products. Clients were dissatisfied with the products because they required high levels of expertise during maintenance. Consequently, the systems occupied a lot of space and consumed a significant proportion of energy. Solutions that Digipos used to resolve the problem The increasing demand for efficient systems forced Digipos to design systems that revolutionized the retail business. As a result, the company formulated systems that set the stage for exemplary results. Consequently, the management embraced the use of advanced technologies while designing systems. This facilitated the design of quantum blade and the retail blade system. Following the inventions, the company engaged in research that enabled the management to design systems that reduce the cost of operation within businesses. Additionally, Digipos designed systems that used reliable hard drives. This method was effective because consumer prefer systems that are reliable when reducing cost of operations (Stair & Reynolds, 2012). People embraced the use of the Quantum Blade and the Retail Blade system because the systems are affordable and simple to upgrade. Digipos has also designed systems that are compatible with systems manufactured by other companies. Digipos is equally succeeding because it focuses on the needs of clients while designing systems. They are also providing clients with several alternatives. In order to reduce the total cost of operation, the company has opted to upgrade their systems in phases to cope with the changes in the technology. It is equally evident that the systems designed by the company can handle difficulties that retailers face while adjusting their systems (Sennewald & Christman, 2008). It was previously costly for small businesses to install systems manufactured by Digipos. However, this changed with the invention quantum blade and the retail blade systems. These systems are inexpensive and easy to upgrade. Compare and contrast the Quantum Blade to the Retail Blade The Quantum Blade and the Retail Blade systems are easy to install. Consequently, the two systems are compatible because they boost varied applications. However, they exude distinct differences based on their architecture and performance. The first difference is that the quantum blade has a simple interface that allows the user to interact with the system easily. Secondly, it takes a shorter time to upgrade the quantum blade as opposed to upgrading the retail blade systems. Thirdly, the peripherals of quantum blade systems remain intact during upgrades whereas the peripherals of the retail blade systems shake during upgrades. Both systems utilize processors that consume less voltage while running their processes. For instance, quantum blade uses an atom processor that consumers as little as 33 watts of electricity, whereas retail blade uses a processor that emits radiation during use. The last difference is evident in the reduced cost when maintaining a retail blade as opposed to maintaining quantum blade systems. Less expertise is required in the installation of both quantum blade and the retail blade systems. Reducing total cost of ownership Several strategies employed by Digipos while designing their systems have enabled retail businesses to reduce the cost of ownership. For example, the use of latest technologies while manufacturing quantum blade and the retail blade systems has reduced the cost of operation for small businesses. Additionally, the company has formulated stringent measures that protect their systems from fraudsters. The stringent measures have enabled the company to reduce the ownership cost for the systems (Sennewald & Christman, 2008). Moreover, Digipos has succeeded in reducing the cost of ownership for their system by incorporating different technologies while designing systems that serve multiple functions simultaneously. According to Sennewald & Christman (2008), extending the shelf life of the system and addition of new features reduces the total cost of ownership. The durability of the system makes it easy for small businesses to acquire it, and use it for an extended period. After purchase, the company gives the client a warranty of 3 years. This enhances its reliability because a large number of organizations in the market prefer systems with approved performance. Besides, the system has numerous ports that are powered using the USB. The systems also employed concepts that have been tested and found effective. I believe the methods employed at Digipos eventually reduce cost of ownership for the system. The methods will work because they incorporate different technologies while designing systems. Consequently, the methods provide a suitable alternative compared to the processes currently used by retail businesses. Conclusion Digipos faced several difficulties in the past based on the increasing demand for systems that were highly efficient. Retailers at the time needed systems that consumed less energy during operations. As a result, Digipos devised advanced technologies that could reduce the cost of ownership. References Heidari, G. (2008). WiMedia UWB: Technology of choice for wireless USB and Bluetooth. Chichester, U.K: Wiley. Sennewald, C. A., & Christman, J. H. (2008). Retail Crime, Security, and Loss Prevention: An Encyclopedic Reference. Burlington: Elsevier. Stair, R. M., & Reynolds, G. W. (2012). Principles of information systems. Australia: Course Technology Cengage Learning. Read More
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