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Human Resource Strategies - Essay Example

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This essay "Human Resource Strategies" presents a strategy that aims at producing high returns on investment. A number of factors need priority concerning the successful management of Wal-Mart, including improving the implementation of human resource intervention in the organization…
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Human Resource Strategies
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Outsourcing of staff will depend on the immediate needs of the affiliate branches, as well as the performance of individuals who qualify for such positions (Kraja, 2013). In addition, the processes leading to such structural procedures call for handling in a professional and transparent manner. The company should consider looking into professional recruitment agencies to single out the best, most competent, and sufficiently qualified individuals for various positions. The staff recruitment process should rely on the current needs of the organization as well as the individuals' capability to handle the situations (Bach & Edwards, 2013).

The staffing procedure of the organization should go hand in hand with the organization's business strategies. The organization should also engage current staff in internal training programs to align the performance of the company's current employees (Dreher & Dougherty, 2002). The company will seek to hire suitable people for certain positions based on their personalities, some roles will need goal-driven risk-takers while others will need people who excel in the area of analysis. The company will rearrange its whole human resource mechanism to suit the current needs that it faces as well as the business expectations.

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Human Resource Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words.
(Human Resource Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words)
Human Resource Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
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