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Leading the U.S. towards Conservation - Coursework Example

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"Leading the U.S. towards Conservation" paper contains a comparative analysis of the leadership visions, traits, and styles of two environmental leaders, John Muir and Hugh Hammond Bennett, who provides the basis for rating each one’s overall effectiveness as a leader in the natural resources field…
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Leading the U.S. towards Conservation
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Environmental leaders like these two fought battles against the destruction of our mountains, pollution of our rivers, and soil erosion. Their careers have been marked by great leadership achievements in the form of public awareness and finally governmental legislations. Environmental protection and conservation of the Earth’s resources have become one of the major global issues of modern times. On the one hand, nations have been debating the pros and cons of conservation with respect to their economic progress.

On the other hand, leaders like John Muir and Hugh Hammond Bennett spent decades generating public awareness about the disasters caused by rapid deforestation and misuse of our natural resources. Environmental leaders like these two waged battles against the destruction of our mountains, pollution of our rivers, and soil erosion, and their careers have been marked by great achievements in the form of public opinion and finally governmental legislations.There has been a long line of leaders who have shown concern on matters related to preserving the world’s natural resources.

These leaders have made it possible to slow down the inevitable development that threatens the stability of our ecosystem. John Muir and Hugh Hammond Bennett rank prominently among such leaders who have left a legacy for the environmentalists to follow.A comparative analysis of the leadership visions, abilities, traits, and styles of two environmental leaders, John Muir and Hugh Hammond Bennett, provides the basis for rating each one’s overall effectiveness as a leader in the natural resources field.

Leaders, regardless of their industry, have different leadership qualities, and that holds true of two environmental leaders, John Muir and Hugh Hammond Bennett. There is a vast amount of literature available that describes the leadership traits necessary in leading employees within a formal organization. However, leading an informal movement, like the ones John Muir and Hugh Hammond Bennett led, maybe an altogether different task.

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