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Team work - Book Report/Review Example

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In this part, there is a description of unique features of the company (DecisionTech). The company is said to have experienced executives than the competitors, more cash, better technology, and more…
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Team work
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Book Report/Review, Human Resources (HR Teamwork Part four of the book covers issues of traction that may occur in a team. In this part, there is a description of unique features of the company (DecisionTech). The company is said to have experienced executives than the competitors, more cash, better technology, and more connected board of directors (Lencioni 173). However, even after having these advantages, the company is said to be behind the competitors in terms of both revenue and customer growth.

In the following part, there is a description of how team members are engaging in overcoming these challenges. In the past, the group led by Kathryn had little discussion. However, in the current state, the group is engaging in a very serious discussion of challenges that hinders success of the company. Kathryn notes that the team is making progress. She measures progress based on the five dysfunctions. The team is noted to make changes based on the model. For example, there is more trust that it was the case before, there is also progress in conflict, and more commitment is now seen in the team.

The only challenge some of the members of the team have is on the accountability. However, they note that they will not have a problem with accountability as they need good results. The members seem in agreement on various issues raised concerning the model. They also note that discipline and persistence are important to have success in the team. This is seen as crucial for team members to be able to shed their dysfunctions (Lencioni 176). Shedding dysfunction is shown to help the team stay together.

It also helps in meaningful discussion among tem members. It is clear that shedding dysfunction especially by members of the executive helps a company. In this section, we see there is intense debate concerning the success of the company. Members of the team are also engaging in a debate and able to develop trust. The results are seen as DecisionTech Company grew in terms of sales and met revenue goals (Lencioni 182). There was also rise in morale among employees. Therefore, shedding dysfunction should be encouraged in any team for success of any given company.

Works CitedLencioni, Patrick. “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.” New York: Jossey-Bass, 2002. Print

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