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Db4 2 managing organiz change - Research Paper Example

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Organizational change management is the course of action an organization implements during the change process. Organization change…
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Db4 2 managing organiz change
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Managing Organizational Change Managing Organizational Change Organizational change is and can only be realized when a company decides to transform from its current status into its desired prospect status. Organizational change management is the course of action an organization implements during the change process. Organization change consulting, therefore, is the situation where organizations seek advisory services from an independent body in order to successfully and smoothly implement change (Ruth, 2014).

However, in these times when technology is the preferred way of implementing change, organizations are consulting change agents that are well versed in technology to ensure efficiency and ethical uprightness. For instance, organizations consult to have their staff trained in using more sophisticated technology, for knowledge on the best programs to employ, cost implications involved, and structural adjustment needed. The impact of technology on the process of organizational change is evident considering a significant number of businesses are continuously incorporating the latest technology in their operations (Kiernan, 1995).

Currently, almost all organizations have set a technology and information system department with the aim of achieving a more efficient and profitable change process. In my opinion using technology as a catalyst or the means of implementing change should be considered positive. Technological programs allow quick communication, sharing and transfer of information among employees regardless the location. For example, the VIP Task manager is one of the software commonly used during organizational-change process.

It enables organizations pass information to its clients, update management plan, as well as, enhancing collaborations and communication of change strategies (TMG, 2004). In conclusion, with the current advancements in technology more programs on change management are expected. For instance, programs that allow access of internet in developing areas will enable organizations develop business in area that could not before due to lack of communication means. Additionally, incorporating technology will lead organizational change focusing on global strategies so as to be competitive globally.

ReferencesKiernan V. (1995). The Impact of Technology on Organizational Transformations. Retrieved from Task Management Guide (TMG). (2004). Change management software - example of effective tool for carrying out organizational management. Retrieved from Ruth M. (2014). How Is Technology Impacting the Changes in the 21st Century Workplace?

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Db4 2 Managing Organiz Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Db4 2 Managing Organiz Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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