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Human Resources in Action - Essay Example

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Hilton is one of the renowned hospitality companies in the globe with its history stretching to ninety four years as one of the pioneers in this profitable industry. On the other hand, Harvester Hotels is also reputable as it has over two hundred units across America and…
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Human Resources in Action
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rovided by these companies on their websites and will also design a selection process that can be useful in screening applicants for a job description posted by one of the two companies on their website. The Hilton Worldwide website (2014) provides comprehensive details about the career building opportunities that they provide to those willing to join its team, which operates on a global scale for personal and professional growth. Further, there is the job search engine on the website in which interested job seekers can view the career opportunities that are applicable to them.

The Hilton site (2014) also gives opportunities to students in universities that are willing to be part of the Hilton family and are also willing to launch their careers in the hospitality industry. Moreover, the Hilton Worldwide site (2014) also gives the areas of talent in which an individual willing to join the Hilton family can choose from when making an application that includes call center, spa and recreation, food & beverage, sales & marketing among a list of many talents. Lastly, the Hilton Worldwide site allows job seekers to create current profiles on the site, which can help them in receiving information in the future about available opportunities in the company that tally with a job seeker’s interest.

As compared to Hilton Worldwide website (2014), Harvester restaurant’s website does not provide an array of opportunities for those that would want to be part of their experience because it does not operate on a global scale. The other area of talent that is of interest to this company is that of chefs and kitchen staff in which the restaurant provides full time training for qualified team members. Apprenticeship opportunities are also available in which an individual can grow on both personal and professional in order for the company to benefit in terms of influencing customer experience.

Other job roles that are available as indicated on the Harvester website(2014) include

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