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Germanic invasions in the West/world civilization - Essay Example

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A number of significant factors led to the transformation of the western civilization, where a number of impacts of Germanic invasions are felt and are recorded as having changed…
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Germanic invasions in the West/world civilization
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Germanic Invasions in the West World Civilizations Germanic invasions played are tremendous role in the rise and fall of different civilizations. A number of significant factors led to the transformation of the western civilization, where a number of impacts of Germanic invasions are felt and are recorded as having changed European civilization completely. One of the major impacts of these invasions was the loss of internal cohesion, especially on the political front. The infighting that occurred as a result of the invasions led to the downfall of the Roman Empire.

Constant attacks from emperors of the Eastern Empire also made it difficult for them to recover or fend off incoming attacks. The movement of all the tribes involved in the invasions proved too much for the Roman Empire to handle, thus; leading to its eventual collapse. Different concepts and cultures emanated from the movement of the Germanic tribes through the Western Empire, which can be seen throughout most of Europe (Kidner, Bucur and Mathisen 206). The English language is also one of the major impacts of the movement of Germanic tribes.

As the Romans were forced to leave Britain, the people of Britain were re-invigorated, thus; developing the English language. The East, as compared to the Western Empire, did not have much to offer when it came to resources. The Western Empire was believed to be the source of all wealth, and that is why advancing forces opted to move West or South of the Roman Empire. This, ultimately, ensured that even during the invasions by the Germanic tribes, the Eastern Empire did not suffer adversely. Furthermore, there were few groups that attacked in the East (Kidner, Bucur and Mathisen 214).

The Huns were not a Germanic tribe, and they were among the few that brought trouble to the Eastern part of the empire, which after the death of their leader, the empire collapsed.Work CitedKidner F., Maria Bucur, and Ralph Mathisen. Making Europe: The Story of the West. London: Macmillan Publishers, 2013. Print.

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