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Saudi Arabia Politics (Paper 2) - Essay Example

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The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia practices one of the forms of political system which has been described as an exemplification of beauty of tradition and this is the monarchy political system. The system is however peculiar to the country when compared to a country like the United…
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Saudi Arabia Politics (Paper 2)
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ssion on the politics of Saudi Arabia is taken from a 2-tier perspective, where in the first instance, Saudi Arabia is viewed as a sovereign country with much respect for its political decisions as possible. In the second instance, the discussion is done from an international perspective where the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is seen as part of the international League of Nations and so must have basic considerations for international political principles. The discussion is also undertaken from a post-modern perspective whereby the influence of the current political system on the modern day Saudi Arabian is viewed.

At the end of the paper, what the future is hoped to look like has been suggested and titled “future trends”. Since 1932 when what has been known as the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded by Abdulaziz bin Abd al-Rahman Al Saud (Idn Saud), the country has operated a monarchy political system, which is handed over from one ruler to the other through a hereditary monarchy system (Mayan, 2012). This means that there is a Royal Family from which prospective rulers are picked to lead the country.

This manner of governance has not changed since 1932. Even though this political system has been in place since 1932, there was no written document that guided as a governmental instrument of leader till 1992 when the Basic Law of Governance was established by royal decree under the rule of King Fahad (Atipoe and Marion, 2011). The Basic Law of Governance may best be compared to a constitution of any democratic country as it defines the government’s rights, responsibilities and mandate. The political system of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is such that it allows all inclusive governance where three arms of government namely Executive, Legislature and Judiciary are all identified to play check and balance roles.

The roles that these arms of government play also inter-link each other in such a way that all parties are expected to judiciously execute their parts

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“Saudi Arabia Politics (Paper 2) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 Words”, n.d.
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