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Departments of Urology, Gynecology, and Obstetrics - Outline Example

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This outline "Departments of Urology, Gynecology, and Obstetrics" depicts the departments of urology, obstetrics, and gynecology. The article attempts to show the use of major terms, the major diseases, and the successive therapies that occur…
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Departments of Urology, Gynecology, and Obstetrics
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Urology is the branch of medicine that depicts diseases that encompass the urinary tract system of male individuals and female persons, as well as their reproductive organs. The department can be broken down into Endourology, urologic oncology, Laparoscopy, Andrology, Neurourology, Pediatric Urology, Reconstructive Urology, and female urology. From another perspective, Urology as a branch of medicine dedicates knowledge in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, bladder cancer, and bladder stones, cystitis, and Epididymitis. In addition, other diseases that fall in the branch of Urology are prostate cancer, Testicular cancer, Kidney cancer, and Retrograde ureteral plus Pyelogram.


The term refers to the specialization in medicine that focuses on pregnancy, successive childbirth, and the postpartum period. In addition, obstetrics deals with the ideal health care for newborn kids. The pregnancy period includes three divisions. The first division is the first trimester that includes tests such as CBC; complete blood count, the general screen of antibody, and other screens such as the HIV screen. The second trimester involves the consultation of a midwife. The third trimester features the Hematocrit, and if it is low, the mother is given iron carrying medicine. In addition, the Group B Streptococcus screen and the glucose stocking test. The diseases that characterize the branch of medicine include Thyroid disease, Hypercoagulability, Systemic lupus erythematosus, and diabetes mellitus during pregnancy.

Therapies that are given to patients are both medical as well as surgical. Examples include dilation and curettage, oophorectomy, hysterectomy and hysteroscopy, appendectomy, and tubal ligation(Paolo, 2008).

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