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H306 Mens Health Interview - Essay Example

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I had collapsed while working at my garage. The doctors carried out their tests thereby discovering that I had diabetes mellitus. Life changed drastically because the disease requires specialized care in order…
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H306 Mens Health Interview
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Unlike in the past when I would run my garage efficiently, I currently had to leave some of my responsibilities to my juniors a feature that has drastically reduced my earnings. Patient: Prior to the discovery of the condition, I had a health cover with a local insurance company in the city. However, the insurance catered only for the time I remained admitted in hospital. Once I was discharged, I had to pay for my subsequent visits to the hospital besides the fact that I have to buy the drugs that I use in managing the condition.

The costs of drugs and regular visits to the hospitals have been unbearable for my family. As I had said, I had to relinquish some of the duties I would engage in in the past at my garage. This reduced my earnings owing to the fact that the garage is a small business. Additionally, the fact that I had to keep company at all times further complicated my lifestyle since I have to engage one of my sons. The news of my condition scared the stability of my family. On the day I collapsed, it took long for the people around me to settle on the most appropriate cause of action.

I therefore nearly died at the scene. When my family eventually came to see me at the hospital, my condition broke their hearts. However, they have stayed supportive always understanding my situation and sparing money whenever possible. They have reduced their demand thereby making it easier for me to cope with my condition. Despite their support and understanding attitude, I still notice the pain n their eyes and the strain they undergo having to readjust their budgets in order to sustain me.

Interviewer: Sorry for the pain sir, your condition is a result of lifestyle complications. What was your lifestyle prior to the diseases and how has this changed once you realized you have the disease? Patient: My doctors told me so too and I have in deed restructured my life in order to lengthen my life and manage the condition. I loved sugary foodstuff

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