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Health Resources and Policy Analysis - Essay Example

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The four major components of mental health delivery systems include; targeted population, issues faced by mental health administrators, organization system as well as policy recommendations. The first component focuses on measures undertaken by the U.S department of mental…
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Health Resources and Policy Analysis
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Health Resources and Policy Analysis Four components of mental health delivery system and how they are funded The four major components of mental health delivery systems include; targeted population, issues faced by mental health administrators, organization system as well as policy recommendations. The first component focuses on measures undertaken by the U.S department of mental health to improve the status of mental health among different groups. Included in the targeted population are; adults, children, people released from prison to mention just but a few.

The second component focused on issues faced by the administrators’ mental health in delivering their services. Among the issues faced include; lack of proper funding, increase in cases of mental disorders as well as stigma faced by victims of mental health disorder (U.S Council of States Government, paras2-3). The third component focuses on organization systems and how they were funded by different entities. Finally, the forth component focused on policy recommendations on effective delivery of mental health services.

For example, it was recommended that individuals, families, entities, government and all stake holders should participate in formulating and implementing plans on mental health (U.S Council of States Government, paras2-3). In above connection, the U.S federal government via several departments such as; department of Substance Abuse, Mental Health and Service Administration(SAMHSA) provided funding to the above components (Sultz & Young pp.315-329). Whereby, the victims of mental disorders were not supposed to receive funding directly but rather through certain bodies (U.

S Council of States Government, paras2-10). For instance, in 2004 the department of Substance Abuse, Mental Health and Service Administration in-conjunction with Medicaid and Medicare Center Services provided a total funding worth $434millions in funding mental health system. In addition, the department of Medicaid contributed more funding than any other departments (U.S Council of States Government, paras2-10). Works CitedSultz, Harry A, and Kristina M. Young. Health Care USA: Understanding Its Organization and Delivery.

Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2011.Web. 8 May 2013. < /title/health-care-usa-understanding-its-organization-and-delivery/oclc/777771788> U.S Council of States Government. Elements of Effective Health and Social Service System: Mental Health Care Systems. Justice Center.Web.8 May 2013< http://www.reen>.

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