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Discussing Articles and Health - Annotated Bibliography Example

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The annotated bibliography under the title "Discussing Articles and Health " states that this article gives an overview of schizophrenia. The article proceeds to discuss the medications and other types of treatment used for a person with schizophrenia…
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Discussing Articles and Health
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The article discusses the many types of mental illnesses, and the treatments for them. There is further reading to be done on schizophrenia at the end of the article. The reflection is to use this article in the final paper. What is schizophrenia?, (N. D.), National Alliance on Mental Illness, This article discusses the many possible causes of the illness. The reasons it is difficult to treat, and the many types of medications that are used to treat the illness. The article us approximately four pages.

The article is from a .org website; therefore the article is considered to be reliable and up to date. The reflection is to use the article in the final paper.

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“Discussing Articles and Health Annotated Bibliography”, n.d.
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