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Postion for Chapter 6 and 7 of Delivering health Care in America - A Systems Approach - Research Paper Example

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Complete Name: Course: Title: Position Paper for Chapters 6 and 7 of “Delivering Health Care in America – A Systems Approach” Express your opinion of the most important concept from the chapters. Explain why it is important.  Having read and understood health services financing and system processes, I suppose it is particularly essential to pay significant attention to the role and scope of health services financing as well as the outpatient care in the aspects of growth and utilization…
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Postion Paper for Chapter 6 and 7 of Delivering health Care in America - A Systems Approach
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In my view, optimum financial allocation is crucial for health care providers to obtain constant motivation in implementing medical responsibilities that are principally aimed to meet and exceed certain standards of health servicing quality. The role played by health services financing can be used to evaluate individuals or parties that gain access to healthcare benefits. Since it can also affect the supply and distribution of professionals in the industry of healthcare, it would serve a key to identifying which health institutions maintain employees who are driven to perform their duties with diligence and acquire tenure due either to attractive compensation or payment schemes with high sustainability.

Proper and systematic financing can stimulate further interests on specialization of medical skills for instance and I believe that any doctor who is firmly assured of financial security under such condition would bear the heart toward augmenting potentials so as to enhance patient care. Besides tapping into reimbursement mechanisms from which majority of physicians or health experts may yield substantial advantage, health services financing is undeniably conducive for clients who opt for insurance coverage in order to minimize out-of-pocket expenditures.

Where new health programs bring in alternative treatment possibilities, healthcare sub-industries emerge once financing of health services operates to seek improvement on each type of rendered service regardless of the kind of ailment or sickness to be cured in the process. Likewise, it is important to account for growing services in outpatient care for this concept is proven to have addressed modifications in financial incentives for hospitals that need a great deal of remedying lowered salaries for inpatient occupation.

Consideration to proceed with outpatient services in plain thought is a means to becoming flexible beyond institution-base care. This may be perceived in the leverage of both the client and the service provider in the sense that the administering healthcare specialist can openly negotiate terms of service without severe external constraints. Equivalently, the patient who avails of the professional’s labor can be guaranteed a level of concern and treatment that is all the more personalized as it certainly implies a higher degree of accountability for the person in charge.

Based on remarkable outcomes, I think that technological endeavor would attain to the opportunity of being widely recognized for studies figure that “development of new diagnostic and treatment procedures and less invasive surgical methods has made it possible to provide services in outpatient settings that previously required hospital stays (Shi & Singh, p.259).” It is also relieving to find out the extent to which outpatient servicing manages to locate utilization control and physician practice factors to appropriate perspective.

As such, unfavorable consequences with physician autonomy have been largely deterred by those who deviate from the old conventional rigid path as they invest on establishing an owned specialized center in which doctors “can perform more procedures in less time and earn higher income.”

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