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The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Profitability of Nestle UK Limited - Dissertation Example

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The paper "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Profitability of Nestle UK Limited" is a perfect example of finance and accounting dissertation. Tables are efficient and also give a summary of the quantitative data. They are employed to organize facts as well as figures in column and rows. These facts and figures might be methodically investigated…
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The paper "The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Profitability of Nestle UK Limited" is a perfect example of finance and accounting dissertation. Tables are efficient and also give a summary of the quantitative data. They are employed to organize facts as well as figures in column and rows. These facts and figures might be methodically investigated. In this regards, tables are good for pour research purposes.

The research employs two key data collection method; the primary data which entails the collection of first-hand information which will be the use of questionnaire for our case study and secondly, the secondary data will entail the use of the annual report in order to collect the second-hand information for analysis. The two data collection methods are explained in detailed below:48

3.5.1 The Primary data48




From the above table and graphical presentation, it is apparent that many of the female's respondents had their question filed with positive criticism. It implies therefore that, female’s response is a concern with the impact of CSR in the community. Furthermore, the respondent from customers of nestle depicts that much positive response came from females. This might be due to the fact that many of respondent are females and thus we will be expecting a high volume of response from females. The general tendency of the response rate depicts that there were different opinion between males and females of different diversity concerning the impact of CSR on firm financial performance. Our data analysis depicts that moment are more concern about the effect of CSR, unlike the male counterpart. This forms the basis why much of our respondent were females since, in order together with in-depth information, we centered on are that we can get more sufficient information hence, our data comprised of 70% women and 30% males.

Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) is a theory entailing the practice in which companies on a voluntary basis integrate the social and environment uplifts in their daily business policy as well as operations. 

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The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Profitability of Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 18500 Words.
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