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Personal Report for Financial Services - Term Paper Example

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Having been in existence for the last 50 years, QIC, which is the first ever domestic insurance institution in Qatar, has cut a niche for itself as dominant market leader in the provision of insurance…
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Personal Report for Financial Services
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Personal Report for Financial Services My choice for a Qatari Insurance company is the Qatar Insurance Company (QIC). Having been inexistence for the last 50 years, QIC, which is the first ever domestic insurance institution in Qatar, has cut a niche for itself as dominant market leader in the provision of insurance services in the Middle East. With several braches across the region, QIC is regarded as the largest underwriter judging by its capitalization and off the roof profitability (Jaghoub, 2013).

The latest financial reports of the year that ended in December 2013 says it all. Just to put this into perspective, QIC asset base rose from QR 8.2 billion in 2012 to QR 11.6 billion. Its equity jumped to QR 5.3 billion, and its profits for the years was QR 0.78 billion (Jaghoub, 2013).QIC offers several services caged under Personal and Business Insurance. Under personal insurance QIC offers Home Care, which essentially covers your home and everything within its confines. Premier Automobile Insurance is tailored to insure your vehicle, family and whoever else is caught up in an accident or car crash involving your automobile.

Travel care covers clients on holiday in whatever part of world by providing quality medical care and life insurance (Ali, 2013).Under the Business Insurance segment, QIC offers corporate medical and Motor insurance for companies under their plan. They also offer Marine and Aviation Insurance, which essentially covers cargo that is transported via water and air, most of which is vulnerable to natural hazards, pirate activities, collision and pollution liabilities (Ali, 2013). They also cover any damage to the sea vessels or aircrafts during the course of freight.

QIC also diversifies into financial advisory and real estate, which has seen its margins grow exponentially in the recent past. Under real estate, the company invests its funds in property development and purchase of real estate. QIC management team also offers financial consultancy services to other companies with the aim of steering them into profitability (Ali, 2013).The service quality of QIC is exemplary. It offers a wide array of services, most of which are tailored to met specific needs.

They are known to make payments on time incase claims are made. Their valuations are commensurate to the damage inflicted on an individual or property (Ali, 2013). Being an underwriter in its on right, QIC has been issued a Rating A/Stable in financial strength and Issuer Credit, confirming that the company is excellent in risk adjustment capitalization, above average underwriting performance and a business diversification. Current QIC stocks trade at QR 63.50, indicative of the company’s strength and rigorous trading in global markets (Jaghoub, 2013).

Benefits of being a shareholder in QIC included cash dividend of QR 2.50 for each share and a special 25% bonus to mark its 50th anniversary since inception. This means that for every 4 shares one has, he received one bonus share (Jaghoub, 2013).My choice for the investment company is the Investment House Company. Investment house was incorporated in 2001, eyeing to undertake investment activities in real estate and construction, manufacturing and services sector and most importantly financial services.

As such, the company is involved in stock investments in Qatar and the greater Gulf region (Dunham, 2013). In this regard, Investment House has a great presence in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), secondary public offerings and private placements. Investment House not only assists companies to go public with the intent of raising capital but also provides these companies with a large investor pool under its umbrella to provide the capital required. Investment House is directly involved in trading at the Doha Stock Exchange.

It is constantly seeking ways to raise market liquidity through secondary public offerings. Its brokerage services that involve selling and purchasing stocks listed in the Doha Securities Market for companies and individuals is above board devoid of underhand dealings (Dunham, 2013). Investment House process of investment is relatively basic in comparison to other sophisticated systems employed by other investment groups. It involves filling out basic paperwork or an online application form listing the services required, for instance the client’s name, amount of stocks required, the company the client is interested in and price per share.

Once Investment House approves your application, it accepts remittances from across the world sent through its network of correspondents and puts it in your account before provision of a share certificates (Dunham, 2013).Investment House charges its clients nominal commissions and relatively low management fee in comparison to other brokerage firms. This has seen the company become a hub for local investors who want to trade in stocks (Al-Sadat, 2013). It provides quality service to its clients and as such, has a large investor pool.

Even though loss of money through stock is common, the projections made and advice given to investors has kept losses at the minimal. Its average rate of return is a share for every ten shares traded. ReferencesAli, H. (2013, December 12). Qatar Insurance Company Group. Retrieved March 28, 2014, from Qatar Insurance: www.qatarinsurance.comAl-Sadat, N. (2013). Al-Beit Al-Mali Fund. Qata: Global investment House.Dunham, D. (2013). A.M Best Report 2013. Doha: A.M Europe.Jaghoub, S. H. (2013). Independent Auditors Report (year ended Dec 31, 2013).

Doha: Deloitte.

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