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Human Relationship With the Environment - Essay Example

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The paper "Human Relationship With the Environment" describes that humans realize that the current exploitation of natural resources is not in sync with the natural laws of nature, which demand balance. For instance, global warming has become a well-recognized global problem…
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Relationship between Human and Nature

Man interacts with the natural environment in different ways (Taylor 6). A symbiotic or interdependent relationship exists between humans and the nature of the ecological environment (Taylor 6). Yet, human beings are always trying to find ways to exploit nature for their betterment. However, these exploitations of nature can often lead to unforeseeable adverse outcomes (Chakravarty 33). The natural world becomes unpredictable when exploited in unsustainable ways or does not respect the laws of nature or the balance between human needs and the natural environment.

Human beings are developing and improving technology to exploit the natural environment better. For instance, improvement in agricultural technologies has led to an increase in food production. However, the use of insecticides and herbicides ( described as the manifestation of human technology) has negatively interfered with the relationship between humans and nature. Equally, man's efforts to improve living standards by building cars and industries has led to the exploitation of the natural environment in unsustainable ways. For example, the extraction of coal to power industries, oil to power vehicles, and trees to build homes has negatively impacted the relationship between man and nature. For instance, these actions have led to global warming, erratic weather patterns, among others, which are manifestations of unsustainable exploitation of the natural environment. In this sense, if efforts are not taken to restore the balance between the natural environment and human activities, catastrophic effects could result. As such, it is essential to change the status quo to preserve the community's natural resources and wellbeing.

There is little doubt that humans realize that the current exploitation of natural resources is not in sync with the natural laws of nature, which demand balance. For instance, global warming has become a well-recognized global problem ((Taylor 88). People understand that unless a change is implemented to the way factories are run or how humans perform mobility, destruction of nature is eminent. In this regard, humans have turned to technology to improve alter how natural resources are utilized. One such technique is electric cars (US Department of Energy 1). These cars will reduce demand for fossils fuels, which is a known pollutant of the natural environment and a contributor to global warming (US Department of Energy 1). Equally, instead of using coal for electricity, governments are trying to develop clean coal, or improve technologies so that fewer greenhouse gases are produced from coal combustion in power plants, industries among other places. Technologies that also help in the conservation of the water resources at home have also been developed. The idea of conservation technology is to sparingly use the available resources so that the demand does not outstrip the supply leading to destructive imbalance.

Water is an essential natural resource. It provides lives to plants, animals, and humans. However, water is often polluted in different ways leading to the death of animals and plants. For instance, when there is an oil spillage in the sea, animals such as fish and whales among other marine animals face possible death through suffocation. Equally, when plastics are allowed to flow through river channels to the ocean, they threaten marine animals' life and habitat.

Moreover, even human livelihood is threatened by such destruction of the marine environment given that humans depend on fish and other aquatic animals for food. People realize the possible negative impact of such unsustainable practices by employing technology to restore the natural environment when disasters such as oil spills occur (Bayode & Emmanuel 3). For instance, technologies are being developed to minimize the spread of the oil spillage and remove the oil quickly (Bayode & Emmanuel 3). Equally, technologies are being pursued to help clean the oceans and develop biodegradable bottles and packaging materials, among other solutions to ocean pollution.

The exploitation of the forest is not a new phenomenon and humans clear forest for various reasons such as wood, timber, and agriculture—for instance, human being clear forests to create land for cultivation (Westernville 1). Notably, civilizations rose during the Neolithic revolution, where people discovered that they could plant seeds grow food crops. Gradually human beings have turned forests and grasslands into areas of farming—growing foods to satisfy their basic need (Westernville 1). The need for more land for agriculture can be attributed to an increase in population. As the population keeps increasing, the demand for more food supply also rises (Westerville 1). Since the available land may not be adequate to produce food supply that could support the growing population, people result in clearing forests for more land for cultivation. Notably, the forest is home to many trees and animal species (Westerville 1). Clearing forests lead to the destruction of habitats for these animals forcing them to migrate (Chakravarty 21). To a greater extent, when land is cleared through the slash and burn method, some animals end up dying (Chakravarty 21). This also affects the human being since they depend on some of the animals in the forest for food.

Moreover, when forests are cleared, there is a higher risk of global warming. Trees are known to absorb carbon IV oxide for the process of photosynthesis (Chakravarty 24). Therefore, when forests are cleared, carbon IV oxide will accumulate in the atmosphere leading to global warming. In addition, when the trees are cut and left to rot, they release the carbon IV oxide that they had observed (Chakravarty 25). This increases the level of carbon IV oxide in the atmosphere, which causes global warming. Noteworthy, global warming interferes with the habitat of many living organisms forcing them to adapt or leave their habitat in search of favorable conditions (Chakravarty 21). For instance, global warming may cause ice melting, which would affect some of the animals depending on ice for survival. On relaxing the effect of deforestation, people have embarked on sustainable agriculture where a small piece of land can be used to produce as much food as possible.

Furthermore, the clearing of forests leads to desertification (Westerville 1). Notably, forests are the water catchment areas, and most of the rivers arise from the forest. When the trees are cleared, there is a possibility that the rivers dry up, causing a shortage of water supply and, ultimately, drought. Equally, trees significantly contribute to rain formation (Westerville 1). Through transpiration, the trees release the moisture to the atmosphere this moisture later condenses and down as rain. Hence forestation prevents desertification and maintains the flowing rivers (Westerville 1). As soon as people realized these people have used planting more trees and replacing the cut trees with new trees.

Human beings are known to use timber for the construction of houses (Westerville 1). The demand for timber for building houses has led to the rapid cutting down of trees. Noteworthy, this demand for timber can be attributed to an increase in population. As people increase, they need to settle and house that accommodate the growing community. Given that timber is cheap and readily available material, the people would always for it first.

Consequently, this has led to a large portion of the forest being destroyed. Clearing of forests for timber has led to the loss of homes for many animal species. On realizing the effect that this has on nature, people are using technology to substitute timber with other construction materials. For instance, people are using bricks and metal to construct buildings. This reduces the need for using trees in construction. Consequently, saving forests from destruction.

Therefore, it is essential for human being to change their attitude toward nature. Human beings need to respect the environment and other members of the biotic community (Taylor 3). Notably, among the biotic community members, human tends to be supreme due to rationality and intelligence that human poses. However, the friendly attitude that man once possessed to once nature is long gone (Taylor 14). This can be attributed to scientific and technological development that has led to the depletion of nature. As man developed, so does technology and science develop. For instance, nuclear bombs have been developed and tested. The long-run effect of such technologies changes in climatic conditions (Taylor 17).

Moreover, the building of the car and other automotive that produce greenhouse gas has led to the depletion of nature. However, on realizing the harm these activities are doing to the environment, man has embarked on correcting these mistakes by using electric cars that do not produce fumes of greenhouse gas (Taylor 99). Hence, human beings should use their rationality and intelligence to ensure ecological balance and preserve the environment for the mutual benefit of all living organisms. The man should ensure that nature and humanity coexist mutually.

Opposing Viewpoint

Clearing of forest degrades the environment and have adverse effects. However, the maintenance of the forest not sufficient to support human survival. The human population is on the rise, and as the population increase demand for more food also increases. The available land for agriculture may not be enough to grow adequate food to support the growing population. Hence this would require the people to clear first to get more land for cultivation. People would require settlement and building industries as technology advances. Therefore, people would be needed to clear forests for more land to cater for their needs. In addition, people require coal to power the industries and oils to power the vehicle, not people can afford electric cars currently. Fossil fuels have to be extracted from the earth, thus opening holes in the environment. As a result, this may degrade the environment, but it is necessary. However, the extraction holes should be covered.

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Clearing forests lead to the destruction of habitats for these animals forcing them to migrate (Chakravarty 21). To a greater extent, when land is cleared through the slash and burn method, some animals end up dying (Chakravarty 21). This also affects the human being since they depend on some of the animals in the forest for food.

Moreover, when forests are cleared, there is a higher risk of global warming. Trees are known to absorb carbon IV oxide for the process of photosynthesis (Chakravarty 24). Therefore, when forests are cleared, carbon IV oxide will accumulate in the atmosphere leading to global warming. In addition, when the trees are cut and left to rot, they release the carbon IV oxide that they had observed (Chakravarty 25). This increases the level of carbon IV oxide in the atmosphere, which causes global warming. Noteworthy, global warming interferes with the habitat of many living organisms forcing them to adapt or leave their habitat in search of favorable conditions (Chakravarty 21). For instance, global warming may cause ice melting, which would affect some of the animals depending on ice for survival. On relaxing the effect of deforestation, people have embarked on sustainable agriculture where a small piece of land can be used to produce as much food as possible.

Furthermore, the clearing of forests leads to desertification (Westerville 1). Notably, forests are the water catchment areas, and most of the rivers arise from the forest. When the trees are cleared, there is a possibility that the rivers dry up, causing a shortage of water supply and, ultimately, drought. Equally, trees significantly contribute to rain formation (Westerville 1). Through transpiration, the trees release the moisture to the atmosphere this moisture later condenses and down as rain. Hence forestation prevents desertification and maintains the flowing rivers (Westerville 1). As soon as people realized these people have used planting more trees and replacing the cut trees with new trees.

Human beings are known to use timber for the construction of houses (Westerville 1). The demand for timber for building houses has led to the rapid cutting down of trees. Noteworthy, this demand for timber can be attributed to an increase in population. As people increase, they need to settle and house that accommodate the growing community. Given that timber is cheap and readily available material, the people would always for it first.

Consequently, this has led to a large portion of the forest being destroyed. Clearing of forests for timber has led to the loss of homes for many animal species. On realizing the effect that this has on nature, people are using technology to substitute timber with other construction materials. For instance, people are using bricks and metal to construct buildings. This reduces the need for using trees in construction. Consequently, saving forests from destruction.

Therefore, it is essential for human being to change their attitude toward nature. Human beings need to respect the environment and other members of the biotic community (Taylor 3). Notably, among the biotic community members, human tends to be supreme due to rationality and intelligence that human poses. However, the friendly attitude that man once possessed to once nature is long gone (Taylor 14). This can be attributed to scientific and technological development that has led to the depletion of nature. As man developed, so does technology and science develop. For instance, nuclear bombs have been developed and tested. The long-run effect of such technologies changes in climatic conditions (Taylor 17).

Moreover, the building of the car and other automotive that produce greenhouse gas has led to the depletion of nature. However, on realizing the harm these activities are doing to the environment, man has embarked on correcting these mistakes by using electric cars that do not produce fumes of greenhouse gas (Taylor 99). Read More

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