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Proposing a Solution - Essay Example

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Of course, it is commonly known that Germany wasn’t rebuilt by its native citizens only (For it was too shattered for Germans to handle the devastation of the WWII alone, wasn’t it?), and that miraculous economic upsurge of the postwar years was insured by the immigration…
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However, Muslims suffer from outrageous discrimination and oppression in German society, which is the blatant violation of human rights entrenched by some United Nations conventions (I suppose there are some). Well, we cannot overlook the fact that, compared to other European countries, Germany provides relatively wide range of opportunities for immigrants’ employment; but Muslim immigrants face barriers in employment related to their religion and ethnicity (Muehe 21), which endangers their welfare and ability to earn their living in the host country.

German employers show profound bias in their policy, for they would rather hire a jobless German meeting the requirements than an immigrant worker, who will inevitably the very last resort. This unfair policy seems very controversial, for “since the 1990s, analysts have pointed to Germanys ongoing need for immigrants to bolster economic development and maintain a dynamic workforce, given the rapid aging of the countrys population” (Oezcan). In other words, don’t Muslim workers deserve equal employment prospects after all they have done for Germany?

Moreover, Muslims experience vast cultural and religious discrimination in German environment, which gradually forces them to integrate and assimilate via various sadistic language courses and governmental integration programs. German government first admits Muslim immigrants into the country and then considers five or six million of them a problem that needs to be handled. Muslims experience blatant rejection of their religion and are virtually forced to hide their Islamic centers in unmarked buildings on the outskirts of the cities (Brenner), and the number of mosques in Germany is unbelievably small: Berlin, the great capital if this tolerant state hosts only four big mosques!

Muslims are violently persecuted by anti-fundamentalist activists of German descent: for instance, peaceful

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