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Gun Control - Research Paper Example

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People buy and keep guns majorly for protection from burglary among other security threats. However, many people have misused arms for their benefit. Statistics indicates that 25% of gun owners have malicious intent…
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Gun Control
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Crime rates have gone up drastically due to easy access to all manner of handguns, rifles, and automatic weapons. California has recorded a drastic increase in drug-related crimes, robberies, and rape in the past years due to gun possession. Moreover, gun owners feel they have the right to threaten, control, and mishandle other citizens using their weapons. Thus, is it necessary to illegalize possession of guns in California because they cause unnecessary deaths, more crimes and lawlessness, and increased violence in the society.

Misuse of weapons leads to 50% of gun related incidences in the form of crimes and gun related lawlessness. In 2009, robbers, burglars, rapists, and drug criminals had easy access to weapons, leading to gang violence, intimidation, breaking of laws, and controlling the other people (Editorial 3). Citizens lived in fear due to rowdy criminals who can access handguns easily and threaten people’s lives. Massive access to different types of handguns, automatic rifles, and machine guns, has made it hard for police to keep up with combating crime in the state of California.

Crimes happening in homes, schools, places, of work and on the streets due to guns increased by the day before enforcement of gun laws. Moreover, some gun owners take advantage of the situation and believe they have the right to end someone’s life, cause harm, and intimidate the person on the slightest provocation. Additionally, once guns are in circulation, they end up in the possession of wrong people who do not hesitate to use them on innocent citizens. Furthermore, once in possession of guns, criminals gain power over their victims and can inflict all sorts of harm including rape, and death.

This power also has resulted in increased organized crimes as the criminals take advantage that they have guns to protect themselves and kill anyone against them. Nevertheless, misuse of weapons has decreased rapidly

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