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Organizational Behavior - Essay Example

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By saying this, I mean that as the majority of people who continue to use various social media outlets such as Facebook, MySpace, Google in order to express…
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Organizational Behavior
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ORGB3201-02 Organizational Behavior Alibek Bishibekov Thursday 13th of November Topic: Case 12 Analysis Case Questions In my opinion, these privacy issues are very important, as they are shaping the future of social media globally. By saying this, I mean that as the majority of people who continue to use various social media outlets such as Facebook, MySpace, Google in order to express themselves, share information about themselves and interact with their friends. However, with much more concern about their own privacy, these social media outlets will have to adapt by offering their users some sort of privacy/security in order not to lose users.

One option, in my opinion, is to rollout the new features that enhance the user experience, including but not limited to more accurate content that the given user might be interested in, but crucially allow users to opt out of the features that track information. Personally, I am very wary of this information tracking issue, and I for one would not entertain the idea that businesses use my information, which I consider private, without my consent to push products/services and target my friends.

However, this does not mean that I am willing to stop using social networks, rather I would like to be given control over the amount and type of information about me gets shared and the purposes it might be used for. Normally, these concerns are not adequately addressed hence leaving the public with nothing to imagine the worst. One could argue that the fact these companies do not provide solution to these queries is clear indication of lack of a solution. In addition, it could be speculated that there is a fishy agenda with this decision.

The delicate part is that one’s personal information such as the cell-phone numbers are required. As a result, this becomes not only a privacy issue but a security one as well. Frankly, the privacy issue on these online sites is a real concern and a solution ought to be provided without further procrastination.2. Clearly, the CEO of Facebook engaged in first political influence tactic mentioned in the chapter – consultation. This influence tactic states that it is “used to gain the users support for a course of action by letting you participate in the planning of the action” (Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson p.350). This is clearly mentioned in the case study: “Zuckerberg announced that the company would work on a major revision of the terms and invited users to provide ideas on its website…” Basically, customers are being engaged in order to develop a mutually beneficial solution to the problem of privacyWhereas, this move is overwhelmingly welcomed by the majority, the speed of implementation ought to be accelerated a bit.

For a long time, Facebook has remained mum on issues to do with privacy and security on their site. Hence, it is important to do more than just offer promises in these matters. Failure to do this will see many users speculate on the most unimaginable things driven mainly by fear. Given the circumstances and the constant demands of these measures to be implemented, no one would blame them.3. Ultimately, I strongly believe that the users of these social networks, such as myself, are the most influential stakeholder group out of all mentioned in the case.

The reason for this is that they have the power to unite as a group and hence revolt against all the other parties who do not follow suit to their requests/requirements. This was seen in the case, where the consumer-advocacy blog was able to raise awareness of the privacy infringement issue and unite concerned people and this in turn resulted a pressure tactic being utilized by them and forced Facebook’s CEO to adapt to their demands and revise the issue of tracking of private information.

Obviously, Facebook needs its users to be as active as possible for without these there will be no traffic thus loss of advertisers, translating to low income. Therefore, users are ultimate stakeholders who shall greatly shape this phenomenon. To ensure this happens, the users ought to initiate campaigns to persuade these sites to devise measures that will guarantee their total privacy and the security.Works citedIvancevich, John M, Konopaske, Robert, and Matteson, Michael T.. Organizational Behavior and Management.

New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2013. Print.

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