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FBI - White collar crimes - Essay Example

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The Federal Bureau of Investigations, commonly known as the FBI, is an agency in the federal government’s Department Of Justice and a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Some of the agency’s major features are its focus on intelligence matters and issues that pertains…
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FBI - White collar crimes
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College: March 17, FBI- White collar crimes The federal government executes some of its roles through agencies suchas the FBI. Each of the agencies has distinct roles and this paper explores the FBI and its roles in white-collar crimes. FBIThe Federal Bureau of Investigations, commonly known as the FBI, is an agency in the federal government’s Department Of Justice and a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Some of the agency’s major features are its focus on intelligence matters and issues that pertains to national security in which it is responsible for investigating suspected crimes and criminals.

It operates on assigned tasks to it but also collaborates with other government agencies in investigating cases under the agencies’ jurisdictions (The Federal Bureau of Investigations 1). Roles of the FBIThe main role of the FBI is investigation of criminal activities that are assigned to it. This incorporates intelligence and law enforcement initiatives from the agency. Another role of the FBI is collaboration with other law enforcement agencies in investigative measures in which it helps with evidence examinations, and in empowering members of the other agencies through trainings.

In facilitating its investigative role and collaborative role with other agencies, the FBI collects intelligence information, analyses the data and shares it with relevant authorities (The Federal Bureau of Investigations 1). As a special agency, however, the role of the FBI under domestic jurisdiction is limited to “white-collar crimes, kidnapping, extortion, interstate transportation of stolen property, and bank robbery” among others (Gaines and Miller 156). White-collar crimes and FBI white-collar crime divisionWhite-collar crimes are crimes that professionals commit in their course of duty with intent of obtaining material benefits of concealing some information with the aim of avoiding a consequence.

Elements such as “deceit, concealment,” breach of trust characterize it (Ferguson 16). White-collar crimes are also free from use of violence or threat of violence and often aim at receipt of money of commodities of avoiding material liabilities (Ferguson 16). The FBI investigates these crimes to ensure evidence towards justice and its special intelligence is essential to the type of crimes that intellectuals commit through well-crafted schemes that sometimes incorporate intelligence and use of technology to cover up the criminal activities.

The Enron case is an example of white-collar crimes that the FBI has investigated. The case involved a series of fraudulent misrepresentation by the firm on its financial position and collaboration with the organization’s accounting firm for concealment of the misrepresentations and for further misrepresentations. This led to losses among investors as officials of the company embezzled funds and prompted investigation by the FBI, an extensive investigation that involved almost 2000 interviews and thousands of boxes of evidence.

Investigations into the Enron’s white-collar crime were successful and led to conviction of almost all of the company’s top officials. The Madoff case is another example of white-collar crime that the FBI investigated, efforts that led to 150 years imprisonment term for Madoff. In the case, the accused developed a scheme to defraud investors of their finances and it was described as the worst white-collar crime. The FBI played a primary role in the investigations (The Federal Bureau of Investigations 1).

Works citedFerguson, John. White-collar crime. New York, NY: Infobase Publishing, 2010. Print. Gaines, Larry, and Miller, Roger. Criminal justice in action. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, 2014. Print. The Federal Bureau of Investigations. “The Federal Bureau of Investigations.” The Federal Bureau of Investigations. N.d. Web. March 17, 2014.

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