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World War Z Book - Essay Example

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The paper "World War Z Book" tells that this book cleverly shows the role and involvement of different countries in some of the major world’s situations. He cites that following the Zombie’s pandemic, only Israeli took the initiative of containing the case…
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World War Z Book
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With reference to the Iran and the Pakistan, they resorted to use the nuclear weapon following the Iranian government decision to stem the movement of the refugees through Pakistan. The situation was treated with contempt until it became apparent that it will consume the whole world, countries then started scampering for a solution with the US using obsolete cold war tactics on zombies, which included anti-tank weapons (Brooks 107).

The message in the novel informs on the position of the different government with regard to the need to stop the spread of Zombie infection. This is symbolically used and it goes ahead to describe the insights of decision making on various world powers regarding issues of great magnitudes. The novel informs about the responses of world powers to some of the situations that required immediate responses.

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