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The Services of Expedia Rental Car Limited - Essay Example

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The paper "The Services of Expedia Rental Car Limited" describes that the face value and interest charge amount to $300 and receiving it within the next seven days will be an appreciation. The cheque can be written in the favor of Johnston Calme Thanks in advance…
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The Services of Expedia Rental Car Limited
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I was to use your rental car services for free on production of the voucher as stated in the agreement which was duly signed by you and our company in presence of your public relations manager, Ken Brown. Contrary to my expectations, the voucher was not honored. The reason was given by your operations manager Mrs. McCfet stated that she had received a directive from the top management of your company not to accept more vouchers. This inconvenienced me greatly as it paralyzed my well-planned trip that would see the timely admission of my son to a new high school.
Due to this, I kindly request compensation that equates to the full value of the voucher and a 3% extra charge which is fairly equivalent to the market rate of any delayed payment as this case has remained unsolved for a month despite contacting Ken Brown 3 times and every time promising to solve. Read More
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